The real estate industry are the leading industries of China's national economy, in the modern social and economic life has a pivotal position. After ten years of development, China's real estate industry is in the large-scale, brand, and standardize the operation of the transition period, the growth mode of the real estate industry is by the emphasis on the speed of the scale to focus on efficiency and market segmentation of the shift from relying mainly on government policy to rely on market regulation and corporate self-regulation mode.
Along with the relevant WTO provisions to honor and implement, including real estate, including all aspects of China's economy will be new changes. The national economy continues to grow and residents in the upgrading of consumption structure, in order to provide a rapid development of the real estate industry the opportunity to make the real estate industry faced increased competition. Make full use of information technology brought about by the enormous productivity, improve their own information as soon as possible applications and management level, will undoubtedly raise the real estate industry has become the focus of competitiveness.
The real estate industry are typical capital-intensive industries, with large investment and high-risk, long cycle, supply chain length, strong regional characteristics. Real estate construction industry, information must be in the advanced management concepts and methods under the guidance of the real estate industry from the characteristics of the real estate industry to meet growing demand.
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