1. Make time for family and friends. This is especially important for those who don’t spend much time with their loved ones during the week.
2. Exercise. Everyone needs to do it, and if you can’t work out 4 to 5 days during the workweek, you need to be active on weekends to make up for some of that time. It’s the perfect opportunity to clear you mind and create fresh ideas.
2. 运动。每个人都要做到这一点,如果你不能在工作日内中锻炼,你需要在周末活跃些来弥补。这是提神醒脑、创造新想法的绝好机会。
3. Pursue a passion. There’s a creative director of a greeting card company who went back to school to pursue an MFA because of her love of art.Pursuing this passion turned into a love of poetry that she now writes on weekends. Successful people make time for what is important or fun,and they make space for activities that add to their life balance.
3. 有所追求。有一个贺卡公司的创意总监,出于对艺术的热爱,重回学校攻读美术硕士。如今这种追求让她爱上了诗歌,她现在会在周末搞些创作。成功的人会腾出时间给重要或有趣的事,以及那些可以平衡工作与生活的事。
4. Vacation. Getting away for the weekend provides a great respite from the grind of an intense week at work.
4. 度假。周末外出度假可以给一周紧张的工作提供很好的喘息时间。
5. Avoid chores. Every weekend has a few have-to-dos, but you want these to take the minimum amount of time possible. Create a small window for chores and errands, and then banish them from your mind the rest of the time.
5. 避免杂事。每个周末都有几件待办事项,但你希望这些事尽可能占用最少的时间。给家务和杂事创建个小窗口,然后剩下的时间把他们从脑海中驱逐。
6. Plan. Planning makes people more effective, and doing it before the week starts means you can hit Monday ready to go, and means you’ll give clear directions to the people who work for you, so they will be ready to go, too.
6. 做计划。规划使人做事更高效,在新的一周开始前做好计划意味着你能在星期一就蓄势待发,也意味着你将给员工明确的指示,这样他们也会有所准备。
7. Gardening/crafts/games/sports/cooking/cultural activities. This is especially important for those cooped up in an office all week. Bridge lessons and groups can also sharpen the mind and often create relationships among highly competitive smart professionals.Theatre, opera and sporting events can also enrich one’s spirit.
7. 园艺/工艺品/游戏/体育/烹饪/文化等活动。对于那些整周关在办公室的人来说,这一点尤为重要。桥牌课和兴趣小组也能锻炼头脑,也往往能在有竞争力的高智商专业人士间建立人脉。剧院、歌剧和体育赛事也可以丰富人们的精神生活。
8. Network. Networking isn’t an event for a successful person, it’s a lifestyle. Wherever they go and whatever they do, they manage to connect with new people.
8. 人际网络。人际网络对成功人士来说不是一件事,而是一种生活方式。无论在何处、在做什么,他们都乐于和陌生人接触。
9. Reflect. Truly successful people make time on weekends to appreciate what they have and reflect on their happiness and accomplishments. Weekends are a great chance to reflect and be more introspective about bigger issues.
9. 反思。真正成功的人在周末会花时间欣赏他们拥有的东西,并思考他们的幸福和成就。周末是一个用来反省的、思考更大问题的绝佳机会。
10. Recharge. We live in a competitive world.Peak performance requires managing downtime, too–with the goal of really recharging your batteries.That’s how the most successful people get so much done.
10. 充电。我们生活在一个充满竞争的世界。再好的表现也需要停下来调整状态,停下来的目的是为了给自己充电。这就是为什么成功的人会有如此多的收获。
以上是"职场精英们的周末安排"的内容,本文的主题是“职场精英们的周末安排”。时间管理系统(www.timebao.com)专注于时间管理,致力于为您提供最优秀的时间管理培训课程。如果你对以上文章内容感兴趣,那么你可能对以下文章也感兴趣: 时间管理 让我们的青春更加丰富, 早上时间运用方法, 日事日清, 感谢您对本站的支持。
- 1项目管理中对项目时间的管理总结
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- 3时间高手的管理方法
- 4时间规划不仅仅是用于工作
- 5如何节约时间在于运用技巧
- 6时间管理的循环系统(四)
- 7找到你的保持专心的尖峰时段
- 8请问哪个时间管理的软件对初用者比较好?
- 9学会流程管理的运用
- 10拖拉问题的最大危害是什么?
- 11大学生能挤出来的时间
- 12只有做时间的主人才能享受美好人生
- 13中国管理方式
- 14系统管理员的时间管理–前言(一)
- 15时间管理软件包含的功能与特性
- 16掌控人生–自我管理
- 17时间管理:进度管理也要懂得软技巧
- 18把时间掌握在手里,变成一种好习惯
- 19顶级管理者的时间方案
- 20当机立断的事就不要拖泥带水
- 216种原因会使企业走下坡路
- 22每天能发现更多的时间
- 23只有学会科学管理才会提高管理知识
- 24最好的时间管理软件是哪个?
- 25给员工有动力的最好方法
- 26时间环节是最重要的一节
- 27美国的物流管理经验
- 28一年之计 从时间管理做起
- 29在忙碌的时候如何管理时间
- 30完善供应链管理