摘 要:对高层建筑中常见的扣件式钢管脚手架的搭设及拆除的安全问题,进行了分析研究,提出了保障措施及要求,以保障所搭设的脚手架的安全性,避免安全事故的发生,对于高层脚手架的安全施工与管理具有非常重要的意义。
Pick to: the common fastener type steel pipe scaffold in high-rise building set-up and dismantling of security problems, has carried on the analysis and study, puts forward the safeguard measures and requirements, in order to ensure the erection of scaffolding safety, to prevent safety accidents, high-level scaffolding for the safety of the construction and management has very important significance. 关键词:高层建筑;扣件式钢管脚手架;安全性分析 Key words: high-rise buildings; Fastener type steel pipe scaffold; Safety analysis 在施工阶段,脚手架工程是建筑物或构筑物在施工时必须发生的辅助项目,工程中常用的脚手架类型很多。对高层建筑多采用扣件式钢管脚手架。采用扣件式钢管脚手架可以达到缩短工期、提高工效的目的,同时也降低了劳动强度,大大提高了生产效率。 During the construction phase, the scaffold project is a building or structure must occur during the construction of auxiliary project, that is commonly used in engineering scaffold type a lot. With fastener type steel tube scaffold in high-rise building. Adopted fastener type steel tube scaffold can achieve the purpose of shortening the construction period, improve working efficiency, also reduced the labor intensity, greatly improving the production efficiency. 脚手架提供的工作面可供高处作业时堆料、短距离水平运输及操作人员在上面进行施工作业。由于高处作业,考虑不周和设计不当易引起安全事故的发生,所以安全施工显得尤为重要。 Scaffolding when working face to high stacking, short distance level, transport and operation personnel in the above construction operations. Because of the high homework, thoughtless and poorly designed easy cause safety accidents, so it is particularly important to safety construction. 1 扣件式钢管脚手架的组成及设计要求 1 fastener type steel tube scaffold of composition and the design requirements 扣件式钢管脚手架又称为架子管,一般是由钢管、扣件、底座、脚手板、安全网5 个部分组成。 Also known as frame tube, fastener type steel tube scaffold commonly consists of steel pipes, fasteners, base, scaffolding, the safety net of five parts. ⑴ 管:一般钢管规格尺寸为φ48.3×3.6mm。根据钢管在脚手架中的位置和作用不同,钢管可分为立杆、纵向水平杆、横向水平杆、连墙杆、剪刀撑、水平斜拉杆等。脚手架在搭设时要求外架超出建筑物总高度1.8m,立杆间距一般不大2.0m,立杆横距不大于1.5m,连墙杆不少于三步三跨,双排脚手架设剪刀撑与横向斜撑。在脚手架两端及中间部位每间隔15m, 应设一道剪刀撑,以加强其纵向稳定性。在高度方向,每隔6m 左右与建筑拉接和横撑一次,以防止脚手架向外倾倒。连墙杆必须采用可承受拉力和压力的构造。具体尺寸应符合JGJ130-2011。 (1) tube: the general steel tube size for the phi 48.3 x 3.6 mm. According to different steel tube in the position and role of scaffolding, steel pipe can be divided into vertical pole, longitudinal rod, rod, even the wall rod, scissors, lateral horizontal, horizontal oblique rod, etc. When scaffold erection of WaiJia beyond building a total height of 1.8 m, stud spacing generally is 2.0 m, poling horizontal distance not greater than 1.5 m, even wall not less than three three spans, double-row scaffold bracing and lateral brace. On both ends of scaffolding and middle intervals of 15 m, should establish a bracing, in order to strengthen its longitudinal stability. In the height direction, at intervals of about 6 m and the building and the crossbar once, in order to prevent the scaffold to dump. Even the wall rod structure can sustain tension and pressure must be used. Specific size should comply with JGJ130-2011. ⑵扣件:钢管之间靠扣件连接,有直角扣件、旋转扣件、对接扣件及根据防滑要求设计的非连接用的防滑扣件等几种。扣件必须能确保节点不变形,是架子稳定的关键所在。采用的扣件,在螺栓拧紧扭力矩达65N.m 时,不得发生破坏。 Fasteners: [2] by fastener connection between steel tube, right-angle fastener, rotating fastener, docking fastener, and according to the request of anti-skid design of connection with antiskid fasteners etc. Fasteners must be able to ensure that node deformation, is the key to shelf stability. Fasteners, the bolt tightening torque of 65 n. M, shall not be destroyed. ⑶底座:落地式脚手架的立柱底座,设在立杆下端,是用来承受立杆荷载并传递给地基的配件,由于支撑的好坏直接影响脚手架的变形与安全,所以要求立柱底座有足够的强度外,还要分层夯实地基土。底座可用钢管与钢板焊接,也可用铸铁制成。 (3) the base: scaffolding of column base on floor, located in the lower vertical pole, is used for poling under load and passed to the foundation of the accessories, because of the support is good or bad, directly affect the deformation of the scaffold and security so pillar base has enough strength requirements, the hierarchical compaction of foundation soil. Base steel tube and steel plate welding are available, and can also be made from cast iron. ⑷脚手板:可提供施工操作条件同时承受和传递荷载给纵横水平杆的配件,设于非操作层时起安全防护作用,可用竹、木等材料制成,钢材较多见。脚手架底层满铺一层固定的脚手板,作业层满铺脚手板,自作业层往下计,一般须每隔12m 满铺一层脚手板。 (4) scaffold board: operating conditions at the same time under construction and load transferring to horizontal bar accessories, in the purpose of safety protection when the operational layer, available materials such as bamboo, wood, steel, more see. Put a layer of fixed scaffolding scaffolding full bottom, be put with scaffolding plank homework layer, since the operation layer down the plan, which generally every 12 m spread a layer of scaffolding. ⑸安全网:其作用是保证施工安全和减少灰尘的配件,包括立网和平网两部分。脚手架使用的安全网必须能够满足其使用和安全要求。对脚手架有以下基本要求:①要有足够的安全性和稳定性,保证施工期间在所规定的荷载和气候条件下,不产生变形、倾斜和摇晃;②要有足够的使用面积,满足堆料、运输、操作和行走的要求 5] safety net: its function is to guarantee the construction safety and reduce dust fittings, including LiWang peace network two parts. Use scaffolding safety net must be able to meet its use and safety requirements. For scaffold has the following basic requirements: (1) to have enough security and stability, ensure construction period of a specified load and climate conditions, does not produce distortion, tilt and shaking; (2) to have enough usable floor area, meet the stockyard, transportation, operation and walking- 1基础与主体结构
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