Reduction of structural response to near fault earthquakes b
the forces in the structura1 elem ents decrease and damage that may be caused to the building by the earthquake significantly decreases.However,this positive effect is achieved on account of displacements occurring in the isolating columns.These displacements become very 1arge when the structure is subjected to fl strong earthquake.hi this case.impact may OCCUI。
between the parts ofthe isolating column yielding their dam age or collapse.In order to 1imit the displacements in the isolating columns,it is proposed to add variable friction dampers.A method for selecting the dampers’properties is proposed.It is carried out using an artificia1 ground motion record and optima1 active control algorithm.Numerical simulation of a seven— story structure shows that the proposed method allows emcient reduction in structural response and Iimits the displacements at the seismic isolating columns.....
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- 202010年一级建造师《市政工程》:钢筋笼制作与安装
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