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  [关键词] 工程索赔;工程量清单;工程合同;材料差价   The Principles of Construction Claim in The Era of Bill of Quantity  LI Guang-jun  Abstract:This paper has discussed the cause and basic principles of the construction claim, and the calculational methods for price difference claim of material. Quota costing system in the planned economic system adopt "cost + reward" contract and real settlement systems. The tender system by the bill of quantity in the market economic system adopts the unit price contract and the construction claim system. There is difference of principle between the two. Perfecting the system of construction claim has important realistic meanings in reducing the dispute of construction cost and controlling effectively construction cost.  Keywords:Bill of quantity;Construction contract;Construction Claim;Price difference of material  


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发布:2007-11-18 10:25    编辑:泛普软件 · xiaona    [打印此页]    [关闭]


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