1.工程概况 introduction of project 略。 2.膺架施工方案construction scheme of support frame 2.1.确定膺架方案determining the scheme of support frame 考虑本工程桥梁总体工程量较少,移动模架进出场困难等因素,故在保证工程质量、进度及安全的情况下对大中桥(墩高在8m以上者)施工优先考虑采用膺架。 Considering the factors that the total quantity of project on bridges is less and that it is difficult for the mobile formwork frame to go in or go out of site, on the base of project quality, progress and safety ensured, the support frame is preferentially used in Large Bridges and Middle Bridges (the height of pier is over 8m.). 2.2.膺架设计的要求design request of support frame 2.2.1.膺架结构必须有足够的强度、刚度、稳定性。 Enough strength, rigidness and stability 2.2.2.膺架在承重后期弹性和塑性变形应控制在15mm以内。 Elastic and plastic deformation should be controlled within 15mm. 2.2.3.膺架部分地基的沉降量控制在5mm以内。 Settlement of part subgrade should be within 5mm. 2.2.4.当地基承载力较低或地表水丰富时优先采取挖孔桩基础方案。 The digging pile foundation scheme has priority when the bearing capacity of subgrade is low or the water in surface of subgrade is much. 2.2.4.当地基承载力较好,强风化岩层埋置较浅且强风化岩层允许承载力满足200kPa要求时优先采取明挖扩大基础方案。 The spreading foundation scheme has the priority when the bearing capacity is good and the burying of the strongly weathered rock stratum is shallow and the bearing capacity satisfies 200KPa. 2.3.模板结构及支撑体系 模板结构是否合适将直接影响梁体的外观,本工程采用定型钢模,内模采用5mm厚,外模采用8mm厚,全部定型钢模均由具备相应资质的厂家定做。 Whether the structure of formwork is suitable will affect the appearance of girder. The standardized steel formwork is used in this project. The thickness of inner formwork is 5mm, while outer formwork 8mm. All steel formworks are customized by the manufacturer which has relevant aptitude.
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- 142015监理工程师学习辅导:成倍节拍流水施工
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- 182015一建建设工程经济:工程核算的内容
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- 202012年一级建造师《公路工程》:工程变更的审批程序
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- 24监理工程师考试辅导:建设程序的概念
- 25中华人民共和国安全生产法:工会的监督
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