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摘要介绍了简约主义的概念及现代简约主义的风格特点,概述了简约主义的发展及其在空间环境中的应用,从以人为本、树立简洁与自然的设计观、遵循绿色生态设计原则等方面总结了简约空间环境设计的精神。   Are introduced in this paper the concept of minimalism and modern minimalist style characteristic, Outlines the development of minimalism and its application in the space environment, from the people-oriented, set up the simple and natural design concept, follow the principle of green ecological design, contracted and space environment design are summarized in aspects of spirit.      关键词简约主义;空间环境;应用;设计   Key words minimalism; Space environment; Applications; design      随着经济的发展和社会的进步,我国的空间环境设计取得了很大发展,由简单的空间划分转向更为人性化的设计。同时随着物质基础的富足和文化水平的提高,人们对居住环境的要求也不再仅仅停留在功能性的要求上,而是更多地注重文化内涵的体现和健康时尚的感受。简约主义风格的设计最能满足人们的这种需求,它以简洁的表现形式来满足人们对空间环境那种感性的、本能的和理性的需求,这也是当今国际流行的设计风格,随着时代的发展,简约主义的设计理念必然在今后人们日常生活中被广泛应用,它将继续成为人们时尚生活的追求。   With the development of economy and the progress of the society, our country's space environment design has achieved great development, from simple to more humanized space division is the design. At the same time as the material basis of wealth and cultural level enhancement, people's living environment is no longer just stay on the functional requirements, but more and more attention to the embodiment of the cultural connotation and feeling of vogue and health. Minimalism style design can meet the needs of people, most of it with concise form to satisfy the people to the space environment that perceptual, instinct and rational demand, this also is the international popular design style, with the development of The Times, minimalism design concept is widely used in People's Daily life in the future, it will continue to be a people to the pursuit of fashionable life.      1简约主义的概念及风格特点   1 the concept and style of minimalism      现代简约主义源于20世纪初期的西方现代主义,是80年代中期对复古风潮的叛逆和极简美学的基础上发展起来的,90年代初期,开始融入环境设计领域中。欧洲现代主义建筑大师Mies Vander Rohe的名言“Less is more”被认为是最能代表简约主义的核心思想。简约主义的特色是将设计的色彩、照明、原材料简化到最少的程度,但对色彩、材料的质感要求却很高。“简约而不简单……”这句人们都很熟悉的广告语基本表达了简约主义的全部内涵。在环境设计方面,简约不是简单的堆砌和随意的摆放,而是在设计上更强调功能,强调结构和形式的完整。简约主义的风格要求设计者有丰富的设计经验和文化素养,需要反复推敲、认真思考、删繁就简,以色彩的高度凝练和造型的极度简洁,在满足功能需求的前提下,将空间布置得精致合理,少而不空[1-4]。现代简约主义的风格特点可以归纳为以下方面。
发布:2007-07-25 12:13    编辑:泛普软件 · xiaona    [打印此页]    [关闭]


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