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1. be preoccupied/preoccupation with
例句: Management’s preoccupation with costs and profits resulted in a drop in the quality The and customer service.
2. be obsessed/obsession with
例句:Picasso's obsession with death and sickness greatly influenced his work.
3. object to 反对
例句: one object to his company, even though he has made insulting remarks about almost No every member of the group.
4. use sth to do sth
例句:The new system, which uses remote cameras to catch of speeding motorists, may undermine the police department’s authority.
5. be sensitive to sth/ be sensitive to doing sth
例句:Although the politician was initially very sensitive to being criticized by the press, he quickly became more confident about responding to reporters’ sometimes pointed questions.
6. a threat to
例句:Malaria, a disease which has been almost completely eradicated in the United States, is still a threat to travelers in some foreign countries.
例句:Although the politician was initially very sensitive to being criticized by the press, he quickly became more confident about responding to reporters’ sometimes pointed questions.
7. be proud of/ take pride in
例句:The Papago Indians of southern Arizona take justifiable pride in their traditional craft of basket-weaving, an art that has brought them fame throughout the Southwest.
8. take offence at
例句:The jury took offense at the prosecutor’s mocking tone but could deny neither the accuracy of the charges or the seriousness of the crime.
9. be familiar with/ be familiar to
例句:The signs of drug addiction are familiar to most doctors.
例句:Most doctors are familiar with the signs of drug addiction.
例句:At the highest level of competitive chess, players are so familiar with one another’s strategies that they can practically read their opponents’ minds.
10. regard as
例句:John Edgar Wideman is regarded as one of the most talented writers of the late twentieth century.
- 1教育部发布《国家教育事业发展第十二个五年规划》
- 2教育部召开贯彻落实本科教学评估新方案
- 3教育部副部长杜玉波调研安徽高等教育质量
- 4教师管理系统V3.0程序功能特点
- 5学校教学质量分析、跟踪、监控管理信息系统
- 6安徽省应用型本科高校联盟召开教务处长工作会议
- 7教养男孩:走慢一点让男孩赢在终点线
- 8厦门实验中学-校园oa办公系统-采购公告
- 9高考志愿填报必知术语:提前批次
- 10郑州学校排名、排行榜、名单、名录参考
- 11家长课堂:对孩子“因材施爱”的5大智慧
- 12北仑区长江中学--FOA 学校网络办公系统登录及学校介绍
- 13攀枝花市第七高级中学校OA系统登录及学校介绍
- 14正式申报国家级“非遗“的特色小吃是哪种小吃
- 15家长课堂:如何善待帮“倒忙”的孩子
- 162015考研:教你考研调剂的几道秘方
- 173种早教“错误”可明知故犯
- 18过度早教会阻碍孩子其他技能发展
- 19教育部关于进一步加强和改进师德建设的意见
- 20江西省抚州市南丰县教育局开展了教育电子政务OA办公系统培训
- 21教育部2014年工作要点
- 22南京会计培训班哪个好技术支撑专业
- 23小升初英语无敌顺口溜:常用the的情况
- 24安徽合肥学校排名、名录、名单信息
- 25备考指导:中考物理如何避免“马虎失分”
- 26教育oa办公软件
- 27对外经贸大学行政管理在职研究生未来发展趋势
- 28三峡大学协同办公OA系统软件登录及学校介绍
- 29教育oa管理平台
- 30山东济南学校排名、名录、名单