Think of those fleeting moments when you look out of an aeroplane window and realize that you are a bird. Now think of your laptop, thinner than a brown-paper envelope, or your cellphone in the palm of your hand. Take a moment or two to wonder at those marvels. You are the lucky inheritor of a dream come true。
The second half of the 20th century saw a collection of geniuses,warriors, entrepreneurs and visionaries labour to create a fabulous machine that could function as a typewriter and printing press, studio and theatre , paintbrush and gallery ,piano and radio, the mail as well as the mail carrier。
稍纵即逝的瞬间: fleeting moments
腾出一点时间做某事 take a moment or two to do something
感叹这些神奇 wonder at those marvels
幸运的继承者 lucky inheritor
20世纪涌现出的某人或某事 the 20th century saw somebody or something
一大批天才、勇士、实业家以及梦想家 a collection of geniuses,warriors, entrepreneurs and visionaries labour
But for all the reasons there are to celebrate the computer, we must also act with caution. This is because the networked computer has sparked a secret war between downloading and uploading --between passive consumption and active creation--whose outcome will shape our collective future in ways we can only begin to imagine. I call it a secret war for two reasons. First , most people do not realize that here are strong commercial agendas at work to keep them in passive consumption mode. Second , the majority of people who use networked computers to upload are not even aware of the significance of what they are doing。
有无数理由可以做某事 celebrate the computer
称颂电脑 act with caution
触发隐秘战争 spark a secret war
影响共同的未来 shape our collective future
试图做某事的商业模式 commercial agendas at work to do something
意识到重要性 be aware of the significance
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- 2成都租车提醒您哪几种醉驾会从严处理
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- 4最困扰父母的10大早教难题
- 5高校教务管理信息系统的建设与反思<span>——以南京审计学院为例</span>
- 6商界精英热捧MBA是为什么?
- 7高考志愿填报必知术语:投档线与录取线
- 8广东推进校园安全管理信息化
- 9托福听力学习攻略之基本素质要求
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- 14CNC雕刻机、数控铣、高速铣的区别和选型分析
- 15家长必读:挑错教育增长孩子负面情绪
- 162015考研复试:教你如何巧答面试官问题
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- 18青海电大远程开放教育“云教室”建成
- 19吉林市教育局党委多措并举推进校级领导干部档案数字化进程
- 20全国中小学生学籍信息系统(部分省市)
- 21南京市会计培训中心教授亲身执教
- 22教育部办公厅关于印发《2009年度教育电子政务建设实施要点》的通知
- 23全国中小学生学籍信息管理系统联网试运行
- 24成都拟建“教育云平台”
- 25如何制作一份成功的小升初简历?
- 26教育部关于印发《教育信息化十年发展规划(2011-2020年)》的通知
- 27省级数据中心建设工作视频调度会召开
- 282015中考家长要注意三条高压线两个陷阱
- 292013年全国教育管理信息中心主任工作会议召开
- 30考研经济类联考中文写作:需特殊对待