Community Websites Based on Wikia Tools
Jimmy Wales, the founder of online encyclopaedia Wikipedia, is launching a service offering free tools for people who want to build community websites.
Mr. Wales' company is offering free software, storage and network access. Wikia is the commercial counterpart to the not-for-profit Wikipedia site.
Website creators can keep advertising revenue. However, sites built with Wikia tools must provide a link to the company, which itself earns money from adverts.
Mr. Wales believes that the falling cost of computers, storage and network access will enable success for the new service. He says: "It is becoming more and more practical and feasible to do. We don't have all the business model answers, but we are confident as we always have been that the wisdom of our community will prevail."
- 1北京移动昆明OA信息化案例
- 2惠普昆明OA信息化与企业文化
- 3彼得·德鲁克评卓越总裁的“御人术”
- 4昆明OA信息化三人谈
- 5普华永道:战略性运用昆明OA信息化
- 6把经验和信息转化为生产力
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- 10跨企业协同管理——塑造企业竞争优势(邓溯锐)
- 11企业经营管理漫谈
- 12未来广告公司的昆明OA信息化
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- 14人力资源从业者如何转型?
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- 16业务外包时如何提高知识转移的有效性(一)(AMT研究院 彭辉 编译)
- 17在供应链管理时实施昆明OA信息化
- 18西门子和施乐教会制造企业什么(一)(AMT研究院 刘珺)
- 19如何顺利推行昆明OA信息化
- 20企业昆明OA信息化案例分析之——德州仪器公司
- 21业务外包时如何提高知识转移的有效性(二)(AMT研究院 彭辉 编译)
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- 23《组织的管理》
- 24OA系统满足邮件收发附件存储自定义的需求开发说明
- 25昆明OA信息化何去何从
- 26《公司绩效测评》
- 27昆明OA信息化应用分析:面向业务流程的知识共享模型
- 28德鲁克寓言中的那块骨头究竟是什么?(党向阳)
- 29微博于企业昆明OA信息化
- 30德鲁克:德鲁克博士质量年会上谈“6西格玛”