Atlassian Introduces New Version of Confluence
Atlassian Software Systems has announced the availability of the newest version of Confluence, an enterprise wiki. Confluence 2.3 offers users an optional clustered configuration - Confluence Massive - that provides unlimited scalability, together with improved performance and reliability, for large deployments of the wiki.
According to the company, Confluence Massive is the first commercially available wiki to provide the performance required for organizations with tens of thousands of users, or for those businesses with mission-critical applications that require high levels of availability.
Confluence 2.3 contains many new features and improvements, including a People Directory, which allows users to easily find other Confluence users' profiles and personal spaces; an activity-tracking plugin that generates statistics on application usage; and a WebDAV client plugin.
Confluence 2.3 provides:
- simple to use WYSIWYG interface that requires little or no training.
- ability to store and search across all types of files (PPT, Word, PDF, GIF, etc.).
- enterprise-grade security and permissioning.
- email and RSS integration and support.
- Atlassian's commitment to service and support.
- highly extensible and interoperable architecture.
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