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The Feasibility ofwww
Enterprise Independent Large-scale Project Construction泛普软件-建筑工程项目管理系统
--The analysis for the execution and control of CPE technical reform project of Weifang Yaxing Goup Co., Ltd.转自泛普软件-建筑工程项目管理系统
Liu Jianping Dong Shunxing项目经理博客
Weifang Yaxing Group Co., Ltd.PgMp
No. 899, Yuanfei Road, Kuiwen District泛普软件-建筑工程项目管理系统
Weifang City, Shandong, China项目管理培训
Through introduction and absorption of advanced foreign CPE production technology, Weifang Yaxing Group. Co., Ltd has泛普软件-建筑工程项目管理系统
built the world’s largest and most advanced CPE production plant with its product ranking the first in the world. These aretraining
achieved all by YAXING’s self-design, self-construction and self-commissioning and through more than ten years’ constant泛普软件-建筑工程项目管理系统
technology reform and development. During the course of project execution and control, it is recognized that the most valuable泛普软件-建筑工程项目管理系统
experience for the success of the project is that YAXING has been applying special management methods in the project
construction. Firstly, basing on its own key-technology, the enterprise completed the project design by its own engineering &泛普软件-建筑工程项目管理系统
technical company and technology-development Centre. Secondly, through management innovation, the enterprise sets up a项目管理论坛
special “System of price-comparing for purchase and sale” which is public by Economy Trade Committee, and uses the system泛普软件-建筑工程项目管理系统
to control the investment of the project. The determination of builders, invite public biding for equipment and purchase of泛普软件-建筑工程项目管理系统
materials etc. is controlled effectively. It improves the quality of the construction and save the investment of the project.泛普软件-建筑工程项目管理系统
Thirdly, through reforming technology and constantly improving homemade ratio of equipment, its staff has been exercisedtraining
and grasped the key-technology. It saves the investment amount of the project. Fourthly, through applying the special
management methods for the project, establishing a contract mechanism of the engineering, laying a course by sub-section and项目经理博客
back scheduling the time, the project schedule is controlled effectively. Fifthly, grasping the key of project and founding aservice
special group to tackle key problems in the construction, the enterprise applies keys breakthrough for the project. By the abovePgMp
steps, depending on own force, the company has independently completed the whole of design, construction, commission and泛普软件-建筑工程项目管理系统
first start-up successfully. By the analysis of the practices that Yaxing Group Co., Ltd. successful introduction and reform CPE项目管理培训
project, the article discusses and testifies the feasibility that enterprises can entirely be able to independently complete the泛普软件-建筑工程项目管理系统
organization & construction, execution and control of the large-scale projects.泛普软件-建筑工程项目管理系统
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