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Abstract: we wetland is one of the important wetlands of Harbin songhua river along the bund, to regulate Jiang Hongshui songhua river, water conservation, migratory birds, and is of great significance for the protection of wetland biodiversity, with Harbin economic development, wetland protection and recovery are imperative. Of we the bund is the wetland ecological functions, ecological environment problems, on the basis of the analysis and evaluation of the wetland ecological protection countermeasures are put forward.         1 引言 1 introduction      湿地与森林、海洋并称为全球三大生态系统,是自然界最富生物多样性的生态景观和人类最重要的生存环境之一。湿地具有抵御洪水、调节气候、涵养水源、净化水体、维持生物的多样性等多种生态功能。在各种类型的生态系统中,湿地生态系统的服务价值最高。 Wetlands and forests, oceans and called the world's three big ecosystem, is one of nature's most rich biological diversity of the ecological landscape and one of the most important living environment of mankind. Wetland has flood control, regulating climate, water conservation, purifying water body, maintaining biodiversity and so on the many kinds of ecological function. In various types of ecosystem, the wetland ecosystem service value of the highest.   群力外滩是哈尔滨市区唯一的自然状态湿地,经过城市不断的向外扩展以及人口的增加,并受人为因素干扰,部分已被开垦为农田,湿地机能遭到严重破坏。为了促进城市健康发展、可持续发展,对该湿地的保护、恢复工作已刻不容缓。 We the bund is the only wetland, the natural state of Harbin city after the city's outward expansion and the increase of population, and interference by human factors, the part has been converted for farmland, serious destruction of wetland function. In order to promote the healthy development of the city, the sustainable development of the wetland protection and recovery, work is urgent.      2 国际经验比较与借鉴 2 the international comparison and draw lessons from experience      2.1 德国莫海姆市湿地保护 2.1 Germany morhaime city wetland protection   他们以“让河流做自己的事”为理念,用更自然化的手段来达到防洪、环境改善、生态修复等多重长效作用。通过重建缓冲带、增设与河道垂直的开口、鼓励小规模泛洪、控制洪水淹没范围等手段,不仅可以培育河滨生境,逐步实现河道半自然化;而且可以减低洪水累计风险,减少洪水危害。该项目由堤防后退1.3km获得2.02km2圩田,作为泛洪用地,并在圩田内开辟了3.5 hm2林地,提升了滞洪空间的景观和休憩价值。 Them to "let the rivers do your own thing" for the idea, with a more natural way to achieve flood control, environmental improvement, ecological restoration and other long-term effects. By rebuilding the buffer zone, adding a vertical opening and channel, to encourage small flood, flood control, not only can cultivate riverside habitat, gradually achieve half of natural river; And can reduce the risk of flooding the cumulative, reduce the flood damage. The project by the embankment back 1.3 km 2.02 km2 WeiTian, as flood land, and has opened up around a WeiTian 3.5 hm2 forest land, enhance the flood detention space landscape value and have a rest.
发布:2007-07-30 09:59    编辑:泛普软件 · xiaona    [打印此页]    [关闭]


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