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Commodity housing design trends of development
Abstract: commodity residential housing construction is now a hot, the paper from the environmental design to feature the use of several aspects of the development of commodity housing design trends, the design to fully meet market demand, but also guide the market into the 21st century. Key words: environmental design features supporting sustainable development of diversified demand for space design humanistic ideas With the planned economic transition to a market economy, urban housing as a special commodity, have truly entered the market. Residential Design of goods from the apartment to the evolution of the design of today face the market requirements of the design. But over the years, as in the exploration stage and the overheated real estate investment led to the blind, on the one hand, the housing market of goods from the market due to poor design and construction of residential lead to huge backlog of ...... 6页word
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- 30中国建筑召开2014年技术交流会