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Project Team Kick-Off Meeting Description

The Project Team Kick-off Meeting is the first meeting with the project team members to discuss the project and the work that will be completed. Prior to the meeting, the Project Definition Document or Project Proposal should be distributed to the team members. This meeting introduces the members of the project team and provides the opportunity to discuss the role of each team member in the project work. The other base elements in the project may also be discussed at this meeting (Project Task List, Schedule, Communication Plan, etc.).


Introduce the project team members.

Discuss the general project and address any questions.

Discuss the base project plan elements: Project Task List, Schedule, Communication Plan, meeting schedules, project administration, etc.


All project team members are aware of the complete project.

Defines the parameters of the project work, timeline, and control process.

Identifies any missing team members or technical stakeholders.

Meeting Guidelines

Pass out an agenda at least one day in advance.

Invite project participants who are not full time team members (from support organizations), if appropriate, schedule items pertinent to them early in the meeting so they can leave after these items are covered if they wish.

Begin and end on time.

Ask someone to volunteer to take meeting notes and distribute to the project team following the meeting.

If a topic comes up that is too big to handle in the time frame allotted, schedule another time to deal with it.

Draw people out. Do not assume silence is consent.

Create an action list with responsibilities assigned and check the list for completion at the next meeting.


发布:2007-04-01 16:20    编辑:泛普软件 · xiaona    [打印此页]    [关闭]


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