Follow these steps to conduct an effective project kickoff meeting
Takeaway: Preparing for your project kickoff meeting is only half the work. You must also establish an atmosphere of leadership and communication.
The kickoff meeting for a new project is your best opportunity to energize the group and establish a common purpose toward completing the work. I’ve found that a great kickoff is the result of good planning. After you’ve done your project preparation work, you need to plan for an effective meeting.
I’ve developed a set of tactics that I use to set the tone for the meeting. They help me stay organized, establish my leadership, and begin molding the individual project participants into a team. These tips should help you lead more productive project kickoff meetings.
Second of two parts
Last week’s article discussed the preparation work that consultants need to do before leading a project kickoff meeting.
The agenda
As in any effective meeting, participants are better off when they have a clear understanding of how it will progress. To better help team members prepare, I use the following basic agenda for most of my project kickoff meetings (see Figure A).
Figure A
The meeting
Keep the meeting flowing and avoid wasting time. Be personable and have fun; everyone will enjoy participating more if you take this approach.
Getting started
Take immediate charge of the meeting. Welcome all participants and don’t forget to introduce yourself. Briefly explain that you’ll walk everyone through the agenda and material and that you’ll leave time for questions at the end.
Define the project, its purpose, and expected goals and deliverables. Introduce the project members and briefly discuss t
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