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  Clerk of Works  工程监督
  clevis  U形夹
  client brief  设计纲要;设计概要
  client project brief [Government Property Agency]  委托部门工程计划纲要〔政府产业署〕
  close fitting cover  紧合封盖
  close fittings  紧合配件
  close-boarded platform  密合封板平台
  closed aqueduct  封闭式输水管道
  closed area  禁区
  closed cell elastomeric insulation  密封微孔泡沫橡塑隔热材料
  closed cell polyethylene foam backer rod  密封微孔聚乙烯泡沫垫棒
  closed end  不能通行的一端
  closed position  闭合的位置
  closed-circuit television [CCTV]  闭路电视
  closed-circuit television door-telephone  闭路电视门口对讲机
  closed-circuit television monitor  闭路电视监察器
  closed-circuit television security and intercom system  防盗闭路电视及对讲机系统
  closing error  闭合差
  closure of premises  封闭楼宇
  coach park  旅游车停车场
  Coalition Fighting for Rehousing of Urban Squatters in Urban Areas  木屋居民争取市区安置大联盟
  coarse aggregate  粗砂石
  coarse ash tuff  粗粒凝灰岩
  coarse screening  粗筛
  coastal habitat  海岸栖息地
  coastal protection area  沿岸保护区
  coastal waters  海岸水域
  coat  保护层;涂层
  coating material  涂盖物质
  cobble  卵石;鹅卵石
  cockloft  阁楼;“阁仔”
  cockloft-type block [temporary housing area]  双层房舍〔临时房屋区〕
  Code of Practice for Minimum Fire Service Installations and Equipment  《最低限度之消防装置及设备守则》
  Code of Practice for Safe Use of Lifts and Escalators  《升降机及电楼梯安全使用守则》
  Code of Practice for the Provision of Means of Escape in Case of Fire  《提供火警逃生途径守则》
  Code of Practice on Access for the Disabled to Buildings  《伤残人士进出建筑物守则》
  Code of Practice on Fire Resisting Construction  《抗火结构守则》
  Code of Practice on Inspection and Maintenance of Water Carrying Services Affecting Slopes  《检查及维修对斜坡有影响的地下排水渠及水务设施的须知便览》
  Code of Practice on Wind Effects Hong Kong  《香港风力影响守则》
  Codes of Practice on Structural Use of Steel and Structural Use of Concrete  钢材的结构用途及混凝土的结构用途作业守则
  co-disposal landfill  共同处理堆填区
  cofferdam  围堰;围堰坝
  cohesive force  黏合力;凝聚力
  cohesive soil  黏性土
  coil  线圈;簧圈;盘管
  cold applied preformed material  冷铺预制材料
  cold applied roofing  天台防水薄膜层冷敷工程
  cold applied waterproofing  冷施工防水工程
  cold milling  刨去路面旧沥青
  cold reduced steel wire  冷轧钢丝
  cold storage  冷藏库






发布:2007-07-25 10:32    编辑:泛普软件 · xiaona    [打印此页]    [关闭]


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