In recent years, our country environment improved increasingly in the city at the same time, the pollution problem is increasingly serious, in a high degree of industrialization and urbanization, especially in rural eastern developed areas. All kinds of pollution is not only threatening hundreds of millions of rural people's health, even through the channel such as water pollution, air pollution and food ultimately affect the urban population. 一、农村环境污染的主要表现 A, the main performance of the rural environmental pollution 目前我国农村环境污染问题比较突出,已经严重影响了国家文明建设的步伐和农民的生活。我国农村环境污染主要表现在以下方面。 Stand out, at present our country rural environment pollution issue has seriously affected the country the pace of civilization construction and peasant life. Rural environmental pollution in China is mainly embodied in the following aspects. 1.农业生产过程中产生的环境污染。 1. In the process of agricultural production and environmental pollution. 2.农村基础设施建设和环境管理滞后产生的生活污染。 2. The rural infrastructure construction and environmental management lags behind the life pollution. 3.乡镇企业布局不合理、治理措施不得力所产生的工业污染。 3. The layout of township enterprises is unreasonable, management measures were capable of industrial pollution. 4.畜牧养殖业所带来的环境污染。 4. Animal husbandry and aquaculture brought about by the pollution of the environment. 二、农村环境污染所产生的负面影响 Second, the rural environment pollution generated by the negative effects 目前我国农村环境污染问题仍在加剧,产生了诸多负面影响,已经危及到了人群的生活和生命安全。 At present our country rural environment pollution problem is still growing, has produced many negative effects, have endanger people's life and safety. 1.农村水环境质量恶化。 1. The rural water environmental quality deterioration. 2.农民生活质量下降,发病率增高。 2. The lower quality of life of farmers, increased incidence of a disease. 三、农村环境污染问题产生的原因 Third, the causes of rural environment pollution problem- 1绿化工程施工组织设计54p
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