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摘要:电子节能灯是一种节能减排的新型照明设备。介绍了电子节能灯在制造过程中的几项关键技术,为相关工程技术人员提供参考。 Abstract: electronic energy-saving lamp is a new lighting energy saving and emission reduction. Electronic energy-saving lamps are introduced several key techniques in the manufacturing process, provide a reference for relevant engineering technical personnel.   关键词:电子节能灯;制造;关键技术 Keywords: electronic energy-saving lamps; Manufacturing; The key technology      1 引言 1 introduction      节能减排是当前我国十分关注的问题。随着社会的发展和人们生活水平的提高,照明用电量逐年增加,照明在能源消耗和环境污染上的问题已引起人们的重视。在保证照明质量的前提下如何节约用电、减少污染、实现绿色照明已成为照明行业的发展主题。电子型自镇流荧光灯。即一体化电子节能灯,已越来越多地代替白炽灯泡而广泛用于家庭、商场、宾馆等各种室内照明场合。 Energy conservation and emissions reduction is one of the focuses of the current our country. With the development of the society and people living standard rise, the lighting electricity consumption increases year by year, lighting on the energy consumption and environment pollution problem has aroused people's attention. On the premise of guarantee the quality of lighting to save electricity, reduce pollution, realizing the development of green lighting lighting industry has become a topic. Electrical ballast fluorescent lamps. Integration of electronic energy-saving lamps, have increasingly replace incandescent bulbs and are widely used in family, shopping malls, hotels and other indoor lighting situations.      2 电子节能灯的制造关键技术 2 electronic energy-saving lamp manufacturing key technologies      2、1 节能灯元器件的选择 2, the selection of energy-saving lamp components   (1)毛管是电子节能灯的重要部件。技术指标主要有光电参数,其次有外形尺寸和外观以及机械强度等,再次是低温启动性能和热态参数稳定特性等。光通量是否合格将直接关系到节能灯的能效等级能否达到标准的要求。光通维持率是产品申请“能源之星”认证时必须要考核的指标,要求节能灯燃点至有效寿命40%时,其光通量不得小于额定值的80%。此外还有相关色温、显色性、色坐标和色容差等指标,也是应该重视的。尤其是色容差,色容差超标往往会给予不合格的判定。至于荧光粉品质的分选,可用验钞灯作对比检验。 (1) capillary is one of the important parts of electronic energy-saving lamps. Technical indicators are photoelectric parameters, the second shape size and appearance as well as mechanical strength, again is a low-temperature startup performance and thermal state parameters stability characteristics. Luminous flux eligibility will be directly related to energy-saving lamps energy efficiency grade can meet the requirements of standard. Optic products maintain rate is apply for energy star certification must be assessment indicators, require 40% energy-saving lamps ignition point to useful life, the luminous flux shall not be less than 80% of rating. In addition to correlated color temperature, color rendering, color coordinates, and poor capacity index of color, also should pay attention to. Especially the color tolerance, color tolerance levels tend to give unqualified judgement. As for the fluorescent powder quality sorting, yanchao lights available comparison test.   (2)整流二极管。 (2) the rectifier diode.   选择整流二极管时,应注意以下参数。最大正向整流电流该参数与灯功率有关,所选二极管的额定电流值至少应是交流母线中峰值电流的3倍以上。对大功率灯而言。整流二极管不可直接并联使用,因为二极管的热电阻有差异,会使可靠性降低,最好用一组电流大的二极管。 Choosing a rectifier diode, the following parameters should be paid attention to. Biggest positive the parameters associated with the lamp power rectifier current, the rated current value of the selected diode should be a peak current in ac bus at least more than 3 times. For high power lamps. Rectifier diodes cannot be used directly in parallel, because the diode heat resistance have differences, will reduce the reliability, it is better to a set of current of diode.   峰值反向截止电压,因工作温度高,一般要选用1200V的产品。滤波电解电容器,电解电容因会受到高频脉动电流的冲击和工作温度升高,选用高性价比的电解电容器就显得很重要。电容量及容差、额定电压、耐纹波电流、串联等效电阻(ESR)、允许温度等都是重要的技术指标,质量的好坏直接关系到使用寿命。电解电容的耐纹波电流值应越大越好。如果电解电容的耐纹波电流值达不到线路要求,则会严重影响其使用寿命,选用时应特别注意。纹波电流流经ESR,会产生热量引起电解内部温度升高,目前制造商对电容器在额定工作温度下工作的纹波电流的确定,一般均遵循5℃原则。电容量的选择与输入电流中的谐波含量和灯电流的波峰因数以及镇流器的效率有关。电解电容的标记温度,必须大于实际工作温度,并留出一定的差值。 Peak reverse cut-off voltage, due to the high operating temperature, generally should choose the 1200 v products. Filtering electrolytic capacitor, electrolytic capacitor will be impacted by the high frequency pulse electric current and working temperature, choose high performance to price ratio of the electrolytic capacitor is very important. And capacitance tolerance, rated voltage, ripple current, equivalent series resistance (ESR), allowed temperature, etc are important technical indicators, quality is directly related to life. Resistance of electrolytic capacitor ripple current value should be the bigger the better. If the resistance of electrolytic capacitor ripple current value can not meet the line requirement, will seriously affect its service life, should pay special attention to when choose. Ripple current flows through the ESR, can produce heat cause the electrolytic temperature, current manufacturer of capacitors work under rated operating temperature of the determination of ripple current general shall follow the principle of 5 ℃. Capacitance of the selection and input current harmonic content and the crest factor of lamp current and efficiency of ballasts. Signs of electrolytic temperature, temperature must be greater than the actual work, and set aside a certain difference.   (3)功率晶体管。 (3) the power transistor.   功率晶体管工作在开关状态,选择的原则是:开关速度要快,饱和压降要小,集电极电流要大,在不增加成本的条件下,功率和二次击穿耐量越大越好。集电极额定电流应依据阴极导人电流峰值并留存足够的安全余量。开关时间要小,应重点关注存贮时间ts,从理论上讲ts小则开关功率损耗也小,但更重要的是上、下两管ts值的对称。如果同一电路板上的两个管子的ts严重偏离,会使正负两个波形的面积严重不对称,导致管子过热损坏。 Work power transistor in the switch state, in principle is: faster switching speed, saturation voltage drop and collector current, under the condition of without increasing cost, power and secondary breakdown tolerance is bigger, the better. Collector current rating should be based on the cathode lead people current peak and keep enough safety margin. Switching time, should focus on storage time ts, theoretically ts a small switch power loss is little, but more importantly, the two tube ts values of symmetry. If the same PCB two ts gravely deviates from the tube, will make the area of plus or minus two waveform serious asymmetry, lead to damaged tube overheating.   (4)振荡变压器。 (4) oscillation transformer.   振荡变压器通常是在环形铁氧体磁芯上绕线制成,实际上是一个电流互感器。对磁环的要求是:首先,磁导率应有负温度特性,转折温度在95'C左右;其次,磁滞回线左右要对称并且近似为矩形;再次,磁导率参数的离散性要小。要与供应商预约电感系数,并做到分档包装,否则,成灯功率的偏差不易把握。 Oscillation transformer are usually made on the ring ferrite core coil winding, is actually a current transformer. Demand for copper is: first, the permeability should be negative temperature characteristic, turning the temperature in the 95 'C or so; Second, hysteresis loop around to symmetry and approximate rectangle; Again, the discreteness of permeability parameters. To make an appointment to inductance coefficient with the supplier and do step packaging, otherwise, the lamp power deviation is not easy to grasp.   (5)滤波电感。 (5) filtering inductance.   灯功率在25w或以下时,通常在直流电路中插入L与C,组成简单的滤波回路。对于串模滤波电感,因其中流过直流电流,故要求磁芯应在不饱和状态下工作。又因灯内温度高,因此又要求电感量随温度变化要尽可能小。另外,电感量不能随频率的升高而下降。 Under 25 w or lamp power, usually inserted in the dc with C L, form a simple filter circuit. In series mode filtering inductance, because of which flows through the dc current, the magnetic core is therefore required work under unsaturated condition. And because of the high temperature in the lamp, so asked for inductance varies with temperature changes as small as possible. In addition, the inductance can't along with the rise of frequency decline.   灯功率大于25w时,一般要在交流电路中插入共模电感。共模电感是在同一磁芯上绕有两个相同匝数的线圈,往复的负载电流在磁芯内部产生的磁场相互抵消,因此磁芯不会饱和。灯功率大于45w时,产生的传导干扰会更大,当单纯使用共模滤波仍然不能解决问题时,还要加入差模电感。 Lights when the power is greater than 25 w, generally want to insert the common-mode inductors in the circuit. Common-mode inductance is wound on the same core has two the same number of turns of the coil, the reciprocating load current in the magnetic core of internal magnetic field offset each other, so that no magnetic core is saturated. Lights when the power is greater than 45 w, the conducted interference will be bigger, when pure use of common mode filter still cannot solve the problem, but also in differential mode inductance. 2、2 EMC滤波电路调试 2, 2, EMC filter circuit debugging   分析传导干扰噪声源,可以发现共模噪声与差模噪声是相互独立的。辐射干扰起源于传导干扰。抓住传导噪声的抑制,产品就容易符合EMC要求。为满足标准要求,必要时可对两个噪声分量单独设计合适的滤波器。 Analysis conducted interference noise, we can find common mode and differential mode noise were independent of each other. Radiated interference originated in the conducted interference. Seize the transmission noise suppression, the product is easy to meet EMC requirements. To meet the requirements of the standard, if necessary, for the two noise component separate design a suitable filter.   共模干扰信号主要是通过灯内元器件和线路的分布电容构成回路传输的。可见。共模干扰信号基本上都是属于高频信号。共模电感参数的选择,取决于开关频率以及所要求的衰减量。选用不同的电感参数,对应衰减共模干扰信号的频率也不一样。在输入功率较大的电路中,仅用一个共模电感不能达到标准要求时就要用两个共模电感了,其中一个可用环形磁芯电感。 Common-mode interference signals mainly through the light of internal components and wiring capacitance circuit transmission. Visible. Common-mode interference signals are basically belongs to the high frequency signal. The choice of common-mode inductance parameters, depends on the switching frequency and the attenuation. Choose different inductance parameters, the attenuation common-mode interference signals of corresponding frequency is different also. Circuits in the input power is larger, with only a common-mode inductance can't meet the requirements of standard with two common mode inductor, one of the available circular magnetic core inductance.   事实上共模电感的两个线圈的电感量不可能完全对称,从而形成差模电感,同时用来抑制电源线上存在的差模干扰信号。必要时再设专用的差模电感。差模干扰信号是通过电源输电线路进行传输的,并继发辐射干扰。对于差模电感和X2电容,从理论上讲电感量和电容量越大,其插入损耗也越大,但要更多的关注它们的频率谐振点。一般说来,L、c滤波器的谐振频率应小于或等于点灯频率。 In fact two of common-mode inductance coil inductance can't completely symmetrical, forming a differential mode inductance, at the same time to restrain the power cord of differential mode interference signal. When it is necessary to set up a dedicated differential mode inductance. Differential mode interference signals are transmitted through the power transmission lines, and secondary radiated interference. For differential mode inductance and X2 capacitors, theoretically the inductance and capacitance, the greater the its insertion loss is bigger, but they should pay more attention to the frequency of the resonant point. Generally speaking, L, c filter resonant frequency should be less than or equal to the frequency of light.   对于串模电感的电感量,当前趋向是取小一些,C取大一些。这不但可使L的自身温升减低,还能改善滤波效果。这是因为c值大,使低频段噪声的插入损耗也大;L小,其分布电容也小,从而降低高频段噪声的传导量。 For string mode choke inductance, current trends is smaller, C get bigger. This not only can make the temperature decrease of L, can also improve the filtering effect. This is because the c value is big, the insertion loss for low frequency noise; L is small, the distributed capacitance is small, so as to reduce the amount of conduction, the high frequency noise.      2、3 开关晶体管的设计 2, 3, the design of the switching transistor   开关晶体管的驱动信号有一个最佳值。基极电流Ib最理想的数值是集电极电流Ic的1/10左右,不过该电流的最优化值也是随晶体管不同而不同的。采用电流互感器驱动时,Ib应始终保持为Ic的1/10左右,无论Ic大小如何,均保持这个关系,就不会出现Ic小时,驱动功率过大;而Ic大时,驱动功率不足的现象。按hfe合理设计驱动电流及其匝数比•使开关晶体管在导通时始终处于浅饱和状态。这样可以提高开关管的响应速度,并可最大限度地减少驱动功率的浪费和损耗。驱动信号不仅有幅度的要求,还有波形的要求,即晶体管的开关渡越时间要短。开关渡越时间既与开关晶体管的开关时间有关,又与磁滞回线的角形比有关,此外,还与电路参数的调试有关。取存贮时间ts相同的开关管制作镇流器,用半导体点温度计检测两开关管的表面温度,如果两管的温度差别较大,就可适当或加或减磁环的初级匝数,使之趋于平衡。开关晶体管的功率容限,即安全工作区SOA。有时灯电路中会有同时出现大电流和高电压的情况,尤其是灯在热态做开关试验时。用SOA值高的管子就不容易损坏。在无条件直接测试管子的SOA值时,可选用BVceo高的晶体管,BVceo高的管子一般SOA也高。 Switch transistor driver signal has an optimum value. Base current Ib is the most ideal numerical collector current Ic around 1/10, but the current optimization values is also varies with the transistor. Driven by current transformer, the Ib should be kept for about 1/10 of the Ic, whatever Ic size, all keep the relationship, you won't get Ic hours, driving power is too large; Big and Ic, as driving power, insufficient phenomenon. According to hfe reasonable design drive current and the number of turns, the switch transistor is always in a state of shallow saturated. When conducting So that we can improve the response speed of the switch tube, and can minimize driving power waste and loss. Drive signal not only has a range of requirements, and waveform of requirements, namely the transistor switch shorter transit time. Switch to transit time is related to the switching time of the switch transistor, and associated with the Angle ratio of hysteresis loop, in addition, also associated with the commissioning of circuit parameters. Take storage time ts the same switch control for ballast, with semiconductor thermometer testing two switch tube surface temperature, if the temperature difference of two tube is bigger, can be appropriate, or add or subtract the circular on the number of primary turns, bring it into balance. Switch transistor power tolerance that SOA security work area. Sometimes lamp circuit has a large current and high voltage that appears at the same time, especially when lamp switch in hot state test. With SOA value high tube is not easy to damage. In unconditional test tube SOA value directly, can choose high BVceo transistors, BVceo high tube general SOA is high also.      3 结论 3 conclusion      节能灯的制造技术贯通于产品的设计与检验过程,与生产实践紧密相连。需要工程技术人员合理设计,编制出好的工艺文件,指导工人做好每个工序的生产,把握好每个工序的生产质量,这样才能为社会和家庭提供光效高、寿命长的新一代照明工具。 Energy-saving lamp manufacturing technology breakthrough in the design of the products and the inspection process, closely combined with production practice. Need reasonable design engineering and technical personnel, prepare a good process documents, guide the workers to do every working procedure of production, good grasp every process of production quality, so as to provide high photosynthetic efficiency, long life for social and family to a new generation of lighting tools.
发布:2007-07-30 10:26    编辑:泛普软件 · xiaona    [打印此页]    [关闭]


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