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   81. You have had your Scope Definition approved and are working on your budget and schedule. In order to estimate the labor costs and the schedule you need to know who your team members are, and what their skill level is. You consult your staffing managenrnt plan and your staffingpool escription By following the recruitment practices and working with the procurement department to negotiate for arious external contractors you are able to complete a project directory. All these are steps in what process?
          A. Organizational Planning
          B. Resource Planning
          C. Team Development
          D. Staff Acquisition

          82.The primary conmunication skills you will use in working with members of your project team will be:
          A. Problem solving
          B. Negotiating
          C. Team building
          D. Public relations

          83.The primary conmunication skills you will use in working with your project sponsor will be:
          A. Problem solving
          B. Negotiating
          C. Team building
          D. Public relations

          84.The primary conmunication skills you will use in working with functional managers will be:
          A. Problem solving
          B. Negotiating
          C. Team building
          D. Public relations

          85.The primary conmunication skills you will use in working with external stakeholders will be:
          A. Problem solving
          B. Negotiating
          C. Team building
          D. Public relations

          86.According to A H. Maslow, people~ needs must be satisfied according to a certain hierarchy.The order in which needs must be satisfied is:
          A. Self-actualization, esteem, social, safety, physiological
          B. Physiological, seW-actualization, social, esteem, safety
          C. Physiological, safety, social, esteem, self-actualization
          D. Self-actualization, social, physiological, safety, esteem

          87.According to C. P. Alderfer, people~ needs fall into three broad categories. Which of the following is not one of Alderfer抯 categories?
          A. Existence needs
          B. Identity needs
          C. Relatedness needs
          D. GroMh needs

          88.Your project plan requires personnel to wear a Radiation Monitor counter at all times while they are within the protected area surrounding a nuclear reactor. This requirement arises from your concern for:
          A. Quality assurance reporting requirenrnts
          B. Personnel safety needs
          C. Stakeholder reporting requirements
          D. Personnel physiological needs

          89.A staffing management plan includes all of the following except:
          A. Determining how to bring team members onto the project
          B. A resource histogram
          C. Determining how to release team members from the project
          D. Documentation on who has the authority to make decisions
发布:2007-03-04 10:27    编辑:泛普软件 · xiaona    [打印此页]    [关闭]


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