当前位置:工程项目OA系统 > 建筑OA系统 > 建筑工程项目管理软件
A. Close out
B. Development
C. Implementation
D. Concept
62. Phase exits, kill points and stage gates are used for what purpose?
A. Planning the next stage in the project
B. Communicating milestones to stakeholders
C. Determining if the project should continue into the next phase
D. Measuring earned value
63. A complex project will fit best in what type of organization?
A. Functional
B. Cross-functional
C. Matrix
D. Balanced
64. Which knowledge area involves organizational theory as a tool/technique?
A. Communications Management
B. Cost Management
C. Risk Management
D. Human Resource Management
65. Human Resource Managenrnt is tightly linked to which other knowledge area?
A. Cost Management
B. Risk Management
C. Communications Management
D. Time Management
66. Which of the following is not considered a constraint in Organizational Planning?
A. Recruitment practices
B. Collective bargaining agreenrnts
C. Preferences of the project management team
D. Expected staff assignments
67. Outputs from Organizational Planning include all of the following except:
A. Staffing Management Plan
B. Organization Chart
C. Project Team Directory
D. Role and Responsibility Matrix
68. Inputs to Staff Acquisition include all of the following except:
A. Staffing Management Plan
B. Resource Histogram
C. Staffing pool description
D. Recruitment practices
69. Which of the following is not an input to Team Development?
A. Project Plan
B. Staffing Management Plan
C. Performance Reports
D. Reward and recognition systems
70. Cost Budgeting is defined as:
A. The estimated total cost of the project when done
B. Allocating the cost estimates to the individual work items
C. Estimating the cost of the resources needed to complete project activities
D. The sum of the approved cost estimates
71. The cost baseline is an output of what process?
A. Cost planning
B. Cost estimating
C. Cost budgeting
D. Cost control
72. The time phased budget that is used to measure and monitor cost performance is:
A. The project budget
B. The cost budget
C. The cost baseline
D. The cost estimate
- 1项目管理工具
- 2建筑工程项目管理软件
- 3工程项目管理软件系统
- 4开源项目管理软件
- 5项目管理软件下载
- 6重庆建筑施工项目管理系统开发
- 7工程项目管理软件下载
- 8多项目管理
- 9项目管理系统
- 10好用的项目管理
- 11企业项目管理排名
- 12项目管理软件
- 12014年一级建造师《法规及相关知识》每日一练11.22
- 2某住宅小区项目地下室防水工程施工研究
- 32015年监理工程师《理论与法规》每日一练(9.29)
- 4项目检查
- 5建筑机械产能过多市场需求降低已是难题
- 6济莱高速某隧道初期支护施工作业指导书
- 7勘察设计公司提升项目管理和会计核算质量的办法
- 8某广场屋面找平层分项工程质量技术交底
- 9电梯的制造、安装、改造和维修的技术要求
- 10广东省施工现场临时用电安全施工组织设计编制要点
- 11从原材料角度预防混凝土收缩裂缝的产生
- 12高耸钢结构基础顶面的锚栓有哪些设计规定?
- 13事故处理批复的法律属性
- 14隧道防排水作业指导书
- 15中国五冶集团华润雅安三九药业工程开工
- 16我国建筑业信息化该如何发展?
- 17安徽省住房城乡建设系统法治工作座谈会(南片)在合肥召开
- 182015一建建设工程考试知识点:工程成本核算的对象
- 19中国建筑一项技术破解隧道施工技术难题
- 202015造价工程师《计价控制》复习重点第八章(1)
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- 22深圳市某大厦工程安全技术交底
- 23用人单位违反作业场所防护管理的法律责任
- 24宁夏全国造价工程师资格考试辅导班/宁夏造价工程师资格考试培训班
- 256月3日:预计上海建材价格继续弱稳
- 26中铁十四局长株潭项目部举行架桥机架设首孔双线箱梁架设仪式
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