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1. During the implementation phase of a new systems project, a fire erupts during hardware installation causing damage to the facility. This is an example of:
Unpredictable risk
External risk
Business risk
Insurable (pure) risk

在一个新系统项目的实施阶段中,硬件安装期间突发火灾,造成对设备的损害 . 这是一个什么例子:
a. 不可预测的风险
b. 外部风险
c. 商业风险
d. 可保险的 (纯粹的) 风险

2. Which of the following is not an example of an external-predictable risk?
Cost of money
Borrowing rates
Material availability
Operations issues

a. 货币成本
b. 租借费用
c. 有可用的材料
d. 操作问题

3. The tool that is based on the concept that the majority of quality problems are caused by a few causes is called:
Pareto analysis
PERT Analysis
Root Cause Analysis
Capability study

a. 巴雷托Pareto分析
b. 计划评审技术PERT分析
c. 根本原因分析
d. 能力研究

4. The cost of quality includes all of the following, except:
Appraisal cost
Internal failure
Prevention cost
Operation and maintenance cost

a. 评估成本
b. 内部失效
c. 预防成本
d. 操作维修成本

5. When an employee is terminated from a project, the project manager is enforcing
Legitimate (Formal)
Coercive (Penalty)

a. 合法权(正式的)
b. 强制权(处罚性的)
c. 专家权
d. 象征权

6. Joan is building her project team and is considering the resources she will need to work on the project. Choosing the right people is essential. However, the right people are not always available. In order to ensure she can set up her project organization properly, Joan will need to look for all but one of the following:
Will the most desirable individuals be available when she needs them?
Have the individuals performed this kind of project work in the past?
Are the candidates organizationally related to the sponsor?
Are they likely to work well together as a team?

Joan正要创建自己的项目团队,考虑项目工作所需要的资源. 选择适当的人是必不可少的. 然而,适当的人不是随时都可找到. 为了确保能适当地建立项目组织,Joan将需要寻找所有下列事项,除了:
a. 当需要适当的人时,最想要的人是否可用?
b. 过去是否有人完成过这类项目工作?
c. 候选人是否与业主有组织关联?
d. 他们能否作为团队一起工作得很好?

7. Tom is a member of a matrixed project team. In this capacity, what should he typically not be concerned about?
Serving two managers
How his performance evaluation will be handled
Where his loyalties should be placed
Creating the project charter

Tom是矩阵式项目团队成员. 在这种组织关系中,他通常不应该考虑什么?
a. 为两个经理服务
b. 他的绩效评价将被怎样处理?
c. 他的忠诚有什么价值地位?
d. 制定项目章程

发布:2007-03-02 10:48    编辑:泛普软件 · xiaona    [打印此页]    [关闭]


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