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1. A workaround is-
A. An unplanned response to a negative risk event
B. A plan of action to follow when something unexpected occurs
C. A specific response to certain types of risk as described in the risk management plan
D. A proactive, planned method of responding to risks
1. 权变措施是指
A. 对负面风险事件的一个应急反应
B. 当没有预料到事情发生时遵循的一个行动计划
C. 对风险管理计划中描述的风险的具体回应
D. 一个前瞻性的、有计划的风险应对措施

2. Which term describes the failure by either the buyer or seller to perform part or all of the duties of a contract?
A. Termination of contract
B. Partial performance
C. Breach of contract
D. Contract waiver
2. 卖方或者买方部分或者全部没有履行合同义务属于
A. 合同终止
B. 部分履行
C. 违反合同
D. 合同弃权

3. You are managing an international joint venture construction project in the port city of Melancholia. The Melancholia city council has passed a law requiring one of its representatives to be involved in front-end project planning and decision-making. It has been made clear to you that the city expects some form of “unofficial” compensation for such work. You have not worked in this country before, so you are not sure about the best way to work with these government officials. Their involvement is critical because they need to approve the issuance of license and permits required to import needed equipment, supplies, and materials. Your best approach is to
A. Follow local customs explicitly, even if this means that you must make “payments” to local officials
B. Abide by the laws, regulations, and requirements of your own country and follow them explicitly in this situation
C. Refrain from knowingly engaging in professional misconduct
D. Recognize the need for government involvement in the project and do whatever is required for success
3. 你正在麦林考利亚的一个港口城市管理一个国际合资的建设项目。麦林考利亚的城市管理委员会通过了一项法律。要求任何项目的计划编制过程必须有一名城管会的代表参与。这就是向你明确表明了,这个城市想为这些工作要求一些“非官方”的补偿。你以前从来没有在这个国家工作过,所以你也不清楚和这些政府官员一起工作的最佳方式是怎样的。他们的介入是非常关键的,因为项目需要他们审批并发放许可证,以及批准一些设备、补给和原料的进口。此时最好的解决办法是:
A. 明确地遵从当地惯例,尽管这可能意味着你必须承担一些对当地官员的额外“支付”
B. 在这种情况下明确遵守你们国家的法律、法规
C. 避免作出明知故犯地、违反职业道德的事情
D. 认识到政府介入项目的重要性,为了项目的成功,需要怎么做就怎么做

4. Your manager, a longtime PMI member, allegedly violated PMI intellectual property policy guidelines when he reproduced and distributed portions of the PMBOK Guide to participants in a company sponsored course, which was Conducted offshore, without first requesting permission from PMI A PMI Ethics Review Committee now is reviewing the specifics of this case. You have no firsthand knowledge of this case but remember another instance 2 years ago in which your manager was reprimanded by PMI’s executive director for misusing the PMI trademark. You joined PMI 6 months ago and have yet to read the ethics standards. Yesterday, an Ethics Review Committee member asked you to answer a series of questions related to your manager’s alleged misdeeds, in this situation, you have
A. No involvement because you are not a party to the ethics proceedings
B. A responsibility to cooperate with PMI concerning ethics violations and the collection of related information
C. No responsibility’ because you were not a PMI member at the time this alleged misuse took place
D. No obligation to provide PMI with any information because you have no firsthand knowledge of the extant case
4. 你的经理是PMI的长期成员,被指控违反了PMI的知识产权政策。因为他在没有事先获得PMI的允许的情况下复制并向公司主办的海外课程的学员散发PMBOK的指南。PMI的道德审查会正在审查这个案子。你对这个案子没有第一手资料,但是你仍然记得两年前发生的另一件事情。当时你的经理由于错误使用PMI注册商标而被PMI执行董事斥责。你在6个月前加入PMI,还没有阅读道德规范。昨天,一位道德审查委员会成员要求你就你的经理的错误行为回答一系列问题。在这种情况下,你:
A. 与之没有任何关系,因为你不是道德审查的当事人
B. 有义务与PMI合作,查明违反道德的案件,帮助搜集有关信息
C. 没有义务,因为被指控的事件发生时你不是PMI成员
D. 没有义务向PMI提供信息,因为你没有任何有关案件的第一手资料

5. You are a member of PMI’ and work for a Swedish defense systems contractor. Your company is considering submitting a proposal for government contract, and you are the proposal manager. One of the requirements, as noted in the evaluation criteria, is that the project manager must be a PMP You have the right person for the job, Katrina, but she is not scheduled to take the exam until 2 weeks after the proposal is due. Katrina has a Master’s Degree in Project Management and the required experience. She has been studying for the exam for weeks and is confident she will pass it. She also has the required technical expertise. Another PMP Rikard, works for the company; however, he is committed totally to another project. In preparing your proposal you should
A. Submit Rikard’s resume as the project manager because he is a PMP after the contract award, replace him with Katrina provided the client agrees to the substitution
B. Submit Katrina’s resume and state she is a PMP because you know she will pass the exam and obtain the certification
C. Disclose Katrina’s status concerning PMP certification in your proposal and submit her resume as the project manager
D. Submit Lars’ resume for the project manager position in the proposal; Lars has applied for a company position and is a PMP but has not been hired yet
5. 你是PMI的成员,为一家瑞典防务系统承包商工作。你的公司正考虑对一个政府合同投标,而你是投标经理。投标的一个条件是项目经理必须是PMP。你有一个合适的人选,她叫Katrina。但是她直到投标截止后两周才参加考试。她拥有项目管理硕士学位和相关经验。她已经为考试学习了几周,对通过考试充满信心。她还拥有相应的技术技能。公司的另一个人选是叫Pikard, 也是PMP,但是他现在完全投入到另一个项目。在准备投标过程中,你应该
A. 将Pikard作为项目经理,提交他的简历,因为他在合同外包后就是PMP,而如果客户同意,Katrina 将替代Pikard
B. 提交Katrina 的简历并声称她是PMP,因为你确信会通过考试获得证书
C. 在投标中说明Katrina 当前正在准备PMP的考试,但是拥有项目管理硕士学位和相关经验,并将她作为项目经理提交她的简历
D. 提交Lars的简历,在投标中申请项目经理的职位;Lars 是PMP,已经向公司申请职位还未被聘用






发布:2007-03-02 10:48    编辑:泛普软件 · xiaona    [打印此页]    [关闭]


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