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1. If a risk event has a chance of occurring 15 times out of 45 times, based on experiences with like events, what is the probability that the event will occur on the next project?

如果一个风险事件的发生机会是45次中出现15次, 基于类似事件的经验, 在下个项目上,这个风险事件发生的概率是多少?
a. 90%
b. 45%
c. 15%
d. 33%

2. During which phase of a project is the level of uncertainty the greatest?

在项目的哪一阶段, 不确定性程度最大?
a. 设计
b. 开发/实行
c. 构思立项
d. 结束

3. The expected value of a risk event is calculated by multiplying the .
Likelihood of the event by the consequence of its occurrence
Likelihood of the event by the number of risk events
The number of risk events by the consequences of their occurrence
The likelihood of the greatest risk event by the consequence of the smallest risk event

a. 事件发生的可能性乘以事件发生的结果
b. 事件发生的可能性乘以风险事件发生次数
c. 风险事件发生次数乘以事件发生的结果
d. 最大风险的事件发生可能性乘以最小风险的事件的发生的结果

4. Which of the following is not an external, unpredictable risk?
Changes in government regulations
Natural disasters

a. 政府管制的变化
b. 自然灾祸
c. 有意的破坏
d. 通货膨胀

5. The techniques and methods used to reduce or control risk are part of which of the following mechanisms:
Risk assessment
Risk response planning
Lessons learned
Risk analysis

a. 风险评估
b. 风险应变规划
c. 经验教训学习
d. 风险分析

6. A project manager sends the electrical engineer an e-mail message asking her to prepare a detailed technical report per some instructions given in the e-mail. A week later, the electrical engineer’s department manager visits the project manager to complain that his engineer had spent 45 hours preparing the 80-page report. The project manager indicates that he thought the report would be only 4 pages long. The problem here is one of:
Lack of feedback
Too many instructions
Too much communication
Lack of trust

A 项目经理发送给电子工程师一个电子邮件信息, 要求她准备一份详细的技术报告, 并在电子邮件中附注了某些说明. 一周后,电子工程师所在部门的经理拜访项目经理以抱怨道: 该电子工程师已经花费了45 小时做出80页的报告. 项目经理指出:他认为报告只需要有 4 页长. 这里的问题是:
a. 缺乏反馈
b. 指令太多
c. 沟通太多
d. 缺乏信任

7. A line manager possesses information, which the project team needs, but withholds the information. This is a type of:
Information filtering
Region of influence
Communication power base

产品经理有项目团队所需要的信息, 但是隐瞒住该信息. 这是一种:
a. 正面对抗
b. 信息过滤
c. 影响区域
d. 基本沟通力

发布:2007-03-02 10:48    编辑:泛普软件 · xiaona    [打印此页]    [关闭]


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