A Firm fixed price (FFP)
B Time and material (T&M)
C Cost plus fixed fee (CPFF)
D Cost plus incentive fee (CPIF)
E A and B only
2 Which of the following contract types has the highest risk to the contractor:
A Firm fixed price (FFP)
B Time and material (T&M)
C Cost plus fixed fee (CPFF) 来源:考试大
D Cost plus incentive fee (CPIF)
E A and B only
3 Arbitration is a _____ approach to conflict management in resolving conflict disputes.
A lose-lose
B win-win
C win-lose
D lose-win
E closed door
4 Which of the following is not a method of government procurement.
A Assistance
B sealed bidding
C competitive proposals
D acquisition
E small purchases
5 The review for the specification completeness is performed during which of the following cycles.
A Award cycles
B requirements cycle
C requisition cycle
D solicitation cycle
E contractual cycle
6 In which of the following is the cost of risk hidden by the contractor?
A Firm Fixed Price Contract
B Fixed Price Plus Incentive
C Cost Plus Fixed Price
D Cost Plus Percentage of Cost
E A and B
7 The definitive terms of a contract are written during which of the following contract phases?
A Contract Phase
B Post-Award Phase
C Award Phase
D Pre-Award Phase
E Requirement Phase
8 The _____ specification delineates specific end use capabilities which can be tested in the acceptance procedure.
A performance
B functional
C technical
D base line
E operational
9 Which one of the following is not an acquisition method?
A advertising
B invitation
C negotiation
D purchase
E all are acquisition methods
10 Which is not a negotiation tactic?
A Imposing deadlines
B surprises
C person with authority is absent
D reasoning together
E all are negotiations tactics
11 A warranty may not be a remedy for products delivered unfit when _____ .
A the PM has knowledge of the product, inspected it without relying on the seller's skill
B the products delivered comply with the plans and specifications of the client
C the plans and specifications produced by the seller match the completed product.
D A and B
E None of the above.
12 The Statement of Work (SOW) is developed during the _____ cycle.
A Award
B Solicitations
C requirements
D contractual
E requisitions
- 1建筑工程项目管理软件
- 2软件项目管理工具
- 3项目管理系统
- 4工程行业科研项目管理系统
- 5工程项目管理软件下载
- 6开源项目管理系统下载
- 7工程项目管理
- 8多项目管理
- 9项目管理
- 10哪家项目管理好
- 11企业项目管理排名
- 12项目管理系统有哪些
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- 2经济开发区园林绿化施工组织设计30p
- 3注册咨询工程师考试《工程咨询概论》预测试题(4)
- 42015年监理工程师《基本理论和相关法规》练习题(15)
- 5杭州招标师辅导的课程
- 62012一级建造师《项目管理》:职业健康安全事故的分类和处理
- 72015年克拉玛依造价工程师现场审核地点及时间
- 8PMP美国项目管理考试练习题及答案(七)
- 9建筑病用“绷带”是遮不住的!
- 10《中外园林史 》教学大纲
- 112015年安全工程师考试《案例分析》练习题(18)
- 122015年招标师《专业实务》辅导:资格预审概述
- 13造价工程师复习资料:供应商参加政府采购活动应当具备的条件
- 14锚杆在破坏时有哪几种破坏形式?
- 15桥梁混凝土工程雨期施工的技术要求
- 162015年招标师考试《法律法规与政策》复习资料:第四章17
- 172015年安全工程师考试《安全生产法及相关》练习题(34)
- 18未来建筑机电四大发展趋势 BIM应用须及时推进
- 19桥梁桩基嵌岩桩底部沉渣的处理
- 202015年安全工程师《相关法规》考前小练习(15)
- 21[重庆]商务写字楼工程临时用水及临时用电平面布置图
- 22招标师职业水平考试:项目管理与招标采购第二章练习题18
- 232013年江苏二级建造师注销注册申请表
- 242015安全工程师《安全生产事故案例分析》精选例题(3)
- 252012年一级建造师《建设工程项目管理》知识点总结:工程变更权
- 26深基坑施工事故发生率高
- 272013年二级建造师《施工管理》考前复习资料(6)
- 28新建贵阳至广州铁路某隧道(实施)施工组织设计
- 29展望工程造价未来
- 30泰安市2015年安全工程师报名时间6月7日至6月21日