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1 The person sending a message is NOT influenced by which of the following
A sender's credibility
B receiver's assumptions
C receiver's evaluative and tendency
D receiver's attitude and needs
E sender's knowledge
2 Achieving effective upward communications in an organization requires that the sender consider which of the following:
A entropy
B position
C the medium
D A and B.
E All of the above.
3 Five people are involved on a project that requires significant communication between all project participants. How many lines of communication exist on this project?
A 5
B 6
C 8
D 10
E 9
4 All the techniques described below can be used to keep a meeting focused except:
A Recall agenda items/purpose of meeting
B Summarize discussion periodically
C Encourage pursuit of interesting new ideas www.Examda.CoM
D Rephrase unclear ideas presented by group members
E All are acceptable techniques
5 All of the following statements define the role of a meeting chairperson except:
A Initiates and concludes discussion
B Controls irrelevant discussion
C Resolves strong disagreements
D Produces meeting agenda
E Consolidates agreements.
6 The accounting head asks an assistant to cut the payroll checks today. The head later arrives to sign the checks, only to find that the assistant shredded (cut) the blank check forms. Which phrase best describes this lack of communication.
A Bypass instruction
B Faulty perception of reality
C Bad attitude of listener 来源:考
D Lazy listening
E Emotionalism
7 You have assembled your thoughts into a message. As you pass this information to a second party, you are giving this person your:
A Input
B Output
C Data
D Feedback
E A and C
8 The process of interpreting a message is:
A Decoding
B Receiving
C Encoding
D Feedback
E A and C
9 A project manager wants to transmit a complex message to several subordinates. What is the best medium by which the manager can get his message across?
A Oral
B Written
C Nonverbal
D A and B only
E A, B, and C.
10 Your client, with which you have good relations, wants you to provide him with office supplies. This task is not supported under your contract. You respond to your client's informal request using which medium?
A Speech
B Written
C Oral
D A and C
E Form letter
11 As project manager, you wish to impose a standard method by which subordinates calculate project costs. Which level of communication should be required for this effort?
A Face-to-face
B Telephone
C Written
D Non-verbal
E All of the above should be required.
12 You are in a meeting with someone who just ate a slice of garlic bread. Your are distracted by his pungent breath. Which of the following communication barriers describe these distractions?
A Sign Detection
B Sensory Limitations
C Selective Perception 来源:www.examda.com
D Varying Alertness of Perception
E None of the above

发布:2007-03-02 10:50    编辑:泛普软件 · xiaona    [打印此页]    [关闭]


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