A Encoding
B Blocking out
C Transmission
D Acceptance
E Decoding
2 Project managers that are available to answer questions, provide guidance when need, and generally do not interfere with day-to-day activities have a(n) ______ managerial style.
A Autocratic
B Conciliatory
C Ethical
D Facilitative
E Judicial 来源:考试大网
3 Most project (and non-project) managers prefer _____ communications.
A Oral
B Written
C Upward
D Downward
E Lateral
4 Management calls a meeting to explain to all employees the new benefits package for the rank and file. This is an example of:
A Upward communication
B Downward communication
C One-way communication
D Two-way communication
E None of the above.
5 The project manager must receive reports and briefings from engineers, contracting officers, procurement personnel and marketing people. The project manager's communication dilemma is one of:
A encoding
B decoding
C choice of a medium
D one-way communication
E All of the above.
6 The way a project manager sends and receives information depends upon:
A How others relate to the project manager
B The project manager's level in the organizational hierarchy
C the size and nature of the project
D the project manager's salary and age 来源
E the number of projects going on at one time in the company
7 Adding 5 people to a 4 person team increases the communication channels by a factor of:
A 2 times
B 3 times
C 4 times
D 5 times
E 6 times
8 Which of the following is often overlooked in achieving effective communication?
A speaking clearly
B listening
C interpreting
D maintaining eye contact
E manipulating the conversation
9 The basic elements of communication include:
A Listening, talking and sign language.
B Communicator, encoding, message, medium, decoding, receiver, and feedback
C Clarity of speech and good listening habits
D Reading, writing and listening
E All of the above
10 Communications is best described as:
A an exchange of information.
B providing written or oral directions.
C consists of senders and receivers 来源:考试大
D effective listening.
E All of the above
11 The purpose of project Risk Management is to:
A Identify those factors that will adversely impact project objectives.
B Assess the impact of adverse project factors.
C Assess the probability of adverse project factors.
D A and C
E All of the above.
12 Project Risk Management is based on which of the following premises:
A the future is unknown.
B unknowns can result in risks or opportunities.
C we cannot control risk events.
D project risk impact can be measured and controlled
E All of the above.
- 1建筑工程项目管理软件
- 2软件项目管理工具
- 3项目管理系统
- 4工程行业科研项目管理系统
- 5工程项目管理软件下载
- 6开源项目管理系统下载
- 7工程项目管理
- 8多项目管理
- 9项目管理
- 10哪家项目管理好
- 11企业项目管理排名
- 12项目管理系统有哪些
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- 32015年安全工程师考试《事故案例分析》试题(13)
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- 92015年咨询工程师《工程咨询概论》每日一练7.9
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- 11陕西省2008年度注册安全工程师执业资格考试5月12日至26日报名
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- 142015年监理工程师《基本理论和相关法规》练习题(73)
- 15名师达江解答二级建造师相关疑问——学习篇(三)
- 162008年监理工程师《质量、投资、进度控制》习题9
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- 262015年招标师考试每日一练(8月9日)
- 27《工程项目组织与管理》知识点:工程项目合同管理的基本原则
- 282015年招标师法律法规高频考点:投标人参与投标的限制
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- 30大庆2015年度注册安全工程师执业资格考试考务工作的通知