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1. history has shown that project managers can be trained in a combination of ways. which method is usually

preferred by most companies?
a. experiential learning, on-the-job
b. formal education and special course (degreed programs)
c. professional activities, seminars
d. individual readings
e. none of the above考试大(www.Examda。com)
ans: a

2. the purpose of configuration management is to:
a. insure drawings are updated
b. control change throughout the project
c. control change during the production only
d. generate engineering change proposals
e. inform the project manager of changes
ans: b

3. three types of written media used in organizations are _____, _____, and ______.
a. manual, letters, guidelines
b. individually-oriented, legally-oriented, organizationally oriented
c. guidelines, forms, procedures
d. letters, guidelines, brochures来源:考
e. letters, contracts, policies.
ans: d

4. which of the following is considered a direct cost for producing a widget?
a. the cost of the materials used to produce a widget.
b. the labor costs of the workers who actually produced the widget.
c. the rent for the building in which the widget was manufactured
d. the salary of senior management and the project sponsor
e. a and b only
ans: e

5. _____ best describes the goal of a project in its relationship with the customer, from initial contact

through delivery.
a. fitness for use
b. customer satisfaction
c. conformance to requirements
d. fitness for purpose
e. all of the above.来源:考试大网
ans: b

6. a communicator can present information using the following media except:
a. visual
b. audio
c. tactile
d. performal
e. both a and b
ans: d

7. advantages of the functional (hierarchical) form of organization include _____ and creation of technical

a. ease of horizontal coordination
b. clearly defined authority
c. high information processing capability
d. single voice to customers
ans: b来源:www.examda.com

8. quality and _____ are directly related.
a. productivity
b. cost overruns
c. scope control
d. pareto diagram
e. none of the above.
ans: a

9. resource leveling will often affect the project by making it:
a. shorter.
b. longer
c. more responsive to customer needs.
d. a and c
e. b and c.
ans: b来源:考

10. selection criteria for project selection include:
a. cost versus benefit
b. risk
c. contribution towards organizational goals
d. rate of return
e. all of the above.
ans: e

11. the statement of work (sow) is developed during the _____ cycle.
a. award
b. solicitations
c. requirementswww.Examda.CoM
d. contractual
e. requisitions
ans: c

12. which of the following depreciation methods provides for accelerated depreciation of an asset:
a. double declining balance.
b. straight line.
c. exponential depreciation
d. double sum of the years digits
e. double increasing balance
ans: a

发布:2007-03-02 10:50    编辑:泛普软件 · xiaona    [打印此页]    [关闭]


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