A senior management
B the customer
C the project manager
D both A and C 来源
E None of the above.
2 A program is characterized as:
A a grouping or related tasks lasting one year or less.
B a unique undertaking having a definite time period.
C a grouping of similar projects having no definite end that supports the product(s) from cradle to grave.
D a project with a cost over $1 million.
E None of the above.
3 Creation of project objectives:
A allows for data collection and analysis and progress reporting against which standards of performance can be measured.
B is accomplished by selection of measurable variables against which performance can be judged.
C is required before funding of the project by the project sponsor.
D all of the above.
E A and B only
4 A project is defined as:
A a coordinated undertaking of interrelated activities directed toward a specific goal that has a finite period of performance.
B a large, complex undertaking with many objectives, multiple sources of funding, and a not discernible end point.
C an undertaking of interrelated activities directed toward a specific goal that can be accomplished in less than one year.
D a group of activities headed by a project manager who has cradle-to-grave cycle responsibility for the end product.
E All of the above.
5 The use of the project reports:
A are not necessary on small projects
B provides a means whereby various levels of authority can judge project performance
C provides insight into project areas and the effectiveness of the control systems
D All of the above
E B and C
6 Documented work authorization provide:
A a means of effective internal coordination of the project's activities.
B an audit trail of all work authorized from project initiation to completion.
C a means for communication of work activity between the project manager and the performing activities.
D All of the above 考试大论坛
E A and B only.
7 The project life-cycle can be described as:
A project concept, project planning, project execution, and project close-out.
B project planning, work authorization, and project reporting.
C project planning, project control, project definition, WBS development, and project termination.
D project concept, project execution, and project reporting.
E All of the above.
8 A Work Breakdown Structure:
A assures all work is identified
B subdivides the project into manageable segments
C provides the project sponsor with a time-phase task summary
D both A and B
E All of the above.
9 Scope Management:
A entails managing the project's work content.
B is a subset of configuration management and as such is performed by CM specialists.
C is concerned with naming all activities performed, the end products which results and the resources consumed.
D is not a concern of the project manager.
E None of the above.
10 Feasibility studies occur in which life cycle phase (s)?
A Conceptual
B Conceptual or Development
C Execution
D Preliminary planning
E any life cycle phase 来源
11 Good project objectives must be:
A General rather than specific
B Established without considering resource bounds
C Realistic and attainable
D Overly complex
E Measurable, intangible and verifiable
12 Researching, organizing and recording pertinent information is called:
A Alternative analysis
B Information gathering
C Configuration management
D Post project analysis
E All of the above
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