1 The critical path in a network is the path that:
A Has the greatest degree of risk.
B Will elongate the project if the activities on this path take longer than anticipated.
C Must be completed before all other paths.
D All of the above. 来源
E A and B only.
2 The major difference between PERT and CPM networks is:
A PERT requires three time estimates whereas CPM requires one time estimate.
B PERT is used for construction projects whereas CPM is used for R & D.
C PERT addresses only time whereas CPM also includes cost and resource availability.
D PERT requires computer solutions whereas CPM is a manual technique.
E PERT is measured in days whereas CPM uses weeks or months.
3 A calendar that identifies when a project may be performed on an activity is called a:
A Project calendar.
B Resource calendar.
C Milestone point.
D Key point.
E Work unit.
4 Planning activities such that predetermined resource availability pools are not exceeded is called:
A Resource leveling.
B Manpower leveling.
C Resource limited planning.
D Manpower planning.
E Manpower contingency planning.
5 A comparison of completion status to baseline is referred to as _____.
A Earned value measurement.
B Percent complete.
D BCWS www.Examda.CoM
E None of above.
6 The logical relationship that communicates a delay between the start/finish of one activity and the start/finish of another activity is referred to as:
A Slack
B Free float.
C Restricted float.
D Level float.
E Lag
7 Overlapping activities on a project, such as design and construction, is referred to as:
A Fast tracking
B Risk conversion.
C Parallel management.
D Process improvement.
E Synchronous manufacturing
8 A computer tape which contains historical project information is called ____ tape.
A Database
B Baseline.
C Archive. 来源
D Lessons learned.
E Life cycle summary.
9 Which method shown below is acceptable for reducing cost or shortening the schedule?
A "Crashing"
B Changing scope.
C Performing activities in parallel rather than in series.
D All of the above.
E A and C only.
10 In general, attempts to smooth out period to period resources will _____ the scheduled time and _____ project costs.
A Increase, decrease.
B Increase, increase
C Increase, increase or decrease.
D Decrease, decrease.
E Decrease, increase.
11 Assigning resources in an attempt to find the shortest project schedule consistent with fixed resource limits is called resource _____.
A Allocation.
B Partitioning
C Leveling
D Quantification.
E None of above.
12 Smoothing out resource requirements from period to period is called resource _____.
A Allocation.
B Partitioning
C Leveling.
D Quantification
E None of above.
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