1. a proven effective means to insure quality conformance is to:
a. delegate accountability to subordinates
b. revise quality specifications to match quality measurements
c. train workers in proper quality methods
d. inspect quality into the product
e. make quality a higher priority than cost or schedule
ans: c
2. communication management is best described as conducting or supervising
a. the way we listen
b. the way we speak
c. the way we feel考试大论坛
d. the exchange of information
e. perfect documentation activities
ans: d
3. good project objectives must be:
a. general rather than specific
b. established without considering resource bounds
c. realistic and attainable
d. overly complex
e. measurable, intangible and verifiable
ans: c
4. increasing resources on the critical path activities may not always shorten the length of the project because:
a. certain activities are time-dependent rather than resource-dependent (i.e., using three ovens rather than one to bake a cake).
b. safety, osha and epa may have placed restrictions on the number of people used on certain activities or in the physical location of the
c. the skill level of the added resources might not be appropriate for the activities to be performed.
d. adding more resources may create additional work and produce inefficiencies (i.e., additional people may need training and supervision.)
e. all of the above.来源:考试大
ans: e
5. universal characteristics of effective project managers include such skills as communication, decision-making, planning, ability to identify
problems and:
a. performing feasibility studies
b. proposal preparation
c. being close to the customer
d. maturity
e. none of the above are universal characteristics
ans: e
6. which of the following is not a measure of the profitability of a project or program?
a. return on original investment.
b. net present value.
c. depreciation.
d. discounted cash flow.
e. none of the above
ans: c
7. _____ is a formal invitation containing a scope of work which seeks a formal response (proposal) describing both methodology and
compensation to form the basis of a contract.
a. request for proposal
b. invitation to bid
c. request for quotation
d. intention for bidwww.Examda.CoM
e. none of the above.
ans: a
8. by which means is a contractor able to control cost overruns due to changing requirements?
a. project data review
b. change order
c. purchase order amendment
d. change control
e. none of the above.
ans: d
9. douglas mcgregor's theory y advocates that the average worker:
a. dislikes work and avoids it whenever possible
b. must be closely supervised and even threatened with punishment
c. avoids increased responsibility
d. wants self-respect
e. none of the above
ans: d
10. feasibility studies occur in which life cycle phase (s)?
a. conceptual
b. conceptual or development来源
c. execution
d. preliminary planning
e. any life cycle phase
ans: a
11. project managers must know:
a. what kind of message to send
b. to whom to send the message
c. how to translate the message into a language that everyone can understand
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
ans: d
12. quality attributes
a. are used to determine how effectively the organization accomplishes its goals
b. can be objective or subjective in nature
c. are specific quality characteristics for which a product is designed, built, and tested.
d. a and b.
e. b and c
ans: e
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