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1. of the following, who has the ultimate responsibility for meeting project quality objectives?
a. project engineer
b. project manager
c. functional manager
d. quality assurance manager
e. project owner
ans: bhttp://ks.examda.com

2. risk mitigation involves all but which of the following:
a. developing system standards (policies, procedure, responsibility standards)
b. obtaining insurance against loss
c. identification of project risks
d. performing contingent planning
e. developing planning alternatives
ans: c

3. the cost of corrective action taken by the purchaser and chargeable to the supplier under the terms of the contract is:
a. payment authorization
b. bid cost considerations
c. release payment
d. back charge
e. none of the above.
ans: d

4. the sequential steps that define the process for successfully completing a project is:
a. implementation plan
b. a life cycle
c. development plan
d. a critical path
e. management plan来源:考
ans: b

5. which of the following time robbers end up creating additional work for the project manager and the project office?
a. failure to delegate
b. changes without notification or direction
c. unreasonable time constraints
d. over directing people
e. all of the above
ans: e

6. you are giving your team instructions on how to perform a new test which is different from the way that the team had performed it previously.
the best way to verify that the learn understands what you want is to:
a. obtain feedback
b. analyze the team's perceptions barriers
c. uses gestures in presenting the instructions
d. analyze the team's decoding skills
e. analyze the team's encoding skills来源:www.examda.com
ans: a

7. a common way by which executives provide the project manager with written authority is through:
a. a common job description for all project managers
b. an appointment letter
c. a project charter
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
ans: e

8. surveys have shown that the primary skill needed to be a project manager is communication skill. the typical project manager spends
approximately ______percent of his or her time communicating.
a. 40-50
b. 50-60
c. 60-75
d. 75-90
e. 90-95
ans: d

9. the work breakdown structure (wbs) is the basis for communicating:
a. project scope, cost control, schedule, quality
b. project objectives, dependencies, plan, cost control
c. project scope, schedule, staffing, cost control
d. project scope, quality, schedule, dependencies
e. project budget, schedule, risk factors, work assignments.
ans: a

10. the quality objectives are approved in the conceptual stage of the project by the:
a. project engineer
b. project manager
c. functional manager来源:www.examda.com
d. quality assurance manager
e. project owner
ans: e

11. total project risk:
a. should not be calculated for small projects
b. is the probability of each project risk event times the sum of the consequences of individual project risk events which could occur during the
c. is the cumulative sum of the probability of each individual project risk event times the consequences of occurrence of that risk event.
d. a and b
e. a and c
ans: c

12. _____ is a narrative description of the work to be accomplished or resource to be supplied.
a. purchase order
b. level of effort work
c. scope of work
d. contract stipulation
e. none of the above.
ans: c

发布:2007-03-02 10:51    编辑:泛普软件 · xiaona    [打印此页]    [关闭]


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