1. the main player in project communication is the
a. sponsor
b. project manager
c. functional manager
d. functional team来源:考试大
e. all of the above.
ans: b
2. the type of contract (payment mechanism) chosen for a project is often a reflection of the degree of risk associated with completing that
project. for a firm fixed price contract, payment for risk _____ .
a. is accomplished by paying the actual costs to the contractor.
b. is accomplished by paying the contractor for his costs plus a fixed fee (profit).
c. is an undisclosed contingency in the contractor's bid.
d. is accomplished by paying for the budgeted costs of dealing with risks, as predicted in the project risk assessment.
e. b and c
ans: c
3. which is not an element of procurement management?
a. purchasing
b. expenditure
c. marketing
d. inspection
e. b and d来源:考试大
ans: c
4. which percent of the total project labor hours are typically expended by the end of the second phase of the project life cycle?
a. 0.05
b. 0.1
c. 0.15
d. 0.25
e. 0.5
ans: d
5. bar charts are most appropriate for:
a. comparing actual to planned performance to each activity.
b. showing slack time.
c. showing critical path dependencies.
d. showing which activities can be rearranged in parallel.
e. all of the above.
ans: a
6. formal authority is often referred to as legitimate power. which two other forms of power are also considered to be legitimate power?
a. reward and penalty
b. reward and referent
c. referent and expert
d. expert and reward
e. penalty and referent
ans: a
7. power games, withholding information, and hidden agendas are examples of-.
a. noise
b. communication barriers
c. indirect communication
d. mixed messages
e. all of the above
ans: b
8. scope management is:来源
a. a project control function.
b. employs change control.
c. a work authorization process.
d. considers cost, quality and schedule.
e. all of the above.
ans: e
9. the most common method for pricing out non-burdened labor hours for a three year project would be to:
a. price out the hours at the actual salary of the people to be assigned.
b. price out the work using a company-wide average labor rate.
c. price out the work using a functional group average labor rate.
d. all of the above.
e. a and b only.
ans: c
10. the principles of risk management should be followed only for:
a. complex projects
b. simple projects
c. large projects来源:考试大
d. a and c
e. all of the above.
ans: e
11. utility theory:
a. considers the risk propensity of the decision makers.
b. is based on proven statistical methods.
c. deals with the usefulness of the end product.
d. is a key element of iso 9000
e. b and c
ans: a
12. which is not part of the purchasing cycle?
a. defined need
b. transmit need
c. inspection
d. prepare and issue purchase order
e. a and d
ans: c
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