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1. smoothing out resource requirements from period to period is called resource _____.
a. allocation.
b. partitioning
c. leveling.来源:考
d. quantification
e. none of above.
ans: c

2. the most precise or accurate estimate for determining project costs is the _____ estimate.
a. definitive.
b. analogy
c. budget
d. modified standards.
e. rule of thumb.
ans: a

3. when subordinates know pertinent information that is not known by the project manager, the result is:
a. blindspot
b. facade
c. region of influence
d. communication power base
e. none of the above
ans: a

4. which of the following scheduling methods uses more of the risk management concepts:
a. adm
b. pdm
c. cpm
d. pert来源:www.examda.com
e. gantt
ans: d

5. which of the following terms refers to the situation where the work is being used for the purpose intended and so certified:
a. beneficial completion
b. substantial completion
c. project completion
d. contract closeout
e. final completion
ans: b

6. a _____ estimate prepared from layouts, sketches and flowsheets, should be accurate within (-10, +25%).
a. parametric
b. definitive.
c. budget
d. bottom up.
e. top down.
ans: c

7. assigning resources in an attempt to find the shortest project schedule consistent with fixed resource limits is called resource _____.
a. allocation.
b. partitioning
c. leveling
d. quantification.
e. none of above.
ans: a

8. for communication to occur, there must be:
a. two or more people involved
b. the transmittal of information
c. a communication process
d. all of the above
e. b and c only来源:考试大网
ans: d

9. the ability to get an individual or group to perform a given task is best described as:
a. authority
b. power
c. influence
d. leadership
e. coerciveness
ans: b

10. the comprehensive review of a contractor's technical performance, cost performance, and delivery schedule, is referred to as:
a. post project evaluation
b. post contract evaluation
c. post mortem
d. procurement performance evaluation
e. contractor's performance evaluation
ans: e

11. the financial closeout of a project dictates that:
a. all project funds have been spent.
b. no charge numbers have been overrun.来源:考
c. no follow-on work from this client is possible.
d. no further charges can be made against the project.
e. all of the above.
ans: d

12. two sources of variation in the length of hex bolts exist. production variation and measurement error. the qc manager knows that the
standard deviation from these sources is 0.24" and 0.43" , respectively. what is the total standard deviation.
a. .10 inch.
b. .19 inch.
c. .34 inch.
d. .49 inch.
e. .67 inch.
ans: d

发布:2007-03-02 10:51    编辑:泛普软件 · xiaona    [打印此页]    [关闭]


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