QUEST Many companies self insure against some risk. Problems which can arise from self-insurance include:
A failure to reserve funds to handle worst case scenarios (low probability events) resulting in severe financial damage to the company
B stiff competition from insurance companies
C confusion of business risks with insurable risks.
D A and C
E All of the above.
QUEST Sensitivity analysis can be used in risk analysis to:
A Substitute for uncertainty analysis in risk quantification
B estimate the level of risk aversion adopted by management
C estimate the effect of change of one project variable on the overall project
D A and B
E All of the above.
QUEST Risk event probability is defined as:
A the total number of possible events divided into the expectations or frequency of the risk event
B the number of times the risk event may occur
C the fraction of the total project tasks which may be affected by the risk event
D the total number of possible events divided into the consequences of the risk event.
E A and B
QUEST In Project Risk Management, Risk Response may include actions to:
A reduce the probability of risk events
B change the scope, budget, schedule or quality specifications of the project
C reduce the consequences or severity of impacts of a potential risk event
D A and C
E All of the above.
QUEST Total Project Risk:
A should not be calculated for small projects
B is the probability of each project risk event times the sum of the consequences of individual project risk events which could occur during the project.
C Is the cumulative sum of the probability of each individual project risk event times the consequences of occurrence of that risk event.
D A and B
E A and C
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