QUEST Herzberg identified factors which, if present, will lead to increased motivation. A typical factor would be:
A Good supervision
B Job security
C Regular promotions
D Good salary
E A dental plan
QUEST Expectancy theory as applied to project management implies that:
A The team will work the hardest on those goals that are clearly explained by the project manager
B The more rewards that the project manager provides, the better the performance of the team
C Team members will work hardest for those project goals that also bring satisfaction to personal goals
D Employees will work hardest for those project goals which are accompanied by high levels of authority for the individual team members
E None of the above
QUEST An individual who is working on the satisfaction of physiological needs has essentially satisfied which needs?
A Safety
B Empowerment/authority
C Esteem
D Self-actualization
E None of the above
QUEST When working in an environment that uses learning curves, the most effective plan for creating the perception that pay is related to performance is to provide the team members with an individual salary plus bonus based upon
A Individual productivity
B Cost effectiveness
C Group or team productivity
D Rating system developed by the project manager
E All of the above
QUEST Project management has been proven to be successful because employees get to see the entire effort, from beginning to end, rather than just small pieces. This could be considered an example of:
A Behavioral modification
B Linking performance to pay
C Positive job reinforcement
D Job enrichment
E All of the above
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