QUEST The majority of product defects could be prevented in most processes if manufactures would do the following:
A Increase the use of acceptance control charts instead of standard three-sigma control charts.
B Make a concerted effort to eliminate the potential for product defects in the design stage.
C Create a quality control department.
D A and B.
E A and C
QUEST In the project environment, the individual ultimately responsible for quality control is:
A The line workers who must strive "to do things right the first time" to avoid quality problems.
B the company's quality control manager who must work with the project members to ensure the quality control program is effective.
C The head of the production department who retains ultimate quality control responsibility for all the company's projects.
D The project manager who has ultimate responsibility for the entire project.
E the customer who must ensure that he is receiving a quality product from the vendor.
QUEST Financial compensation is the primary motivational tool for which of the following management theories of programs.
A Zero-defects program.
B theory X management.
C theory Y management.
D Quality control circles.
E A and C
QUEST The Pareto Principle is a technique used to determine which quality control problems in a particular process should be corrected. Which of the following statements best represents the philosophy employed by this principle?
A In order to minimize financial losses from quality control problems, all problems which have a measureable cost should be corrected
B the majority of defects are caused by a small percentage of the identifiable problems. Improvement efforts should be reserved for these vital problems.
C in order to achieve zero defects, all quality control problems, including those which do not have a direct financial cost should be corrected.
D generally, 80% of the quality control problems are justifiable for correction via cost-benefit analysis. The remaining 20% are not financially worthy of improvement efforts.
E A and D
QUEST Most quality problems:
A originate in the quality department where the ultimate responsibility for quality rests.
B originate on the shop floor because of waste and product rework.
C are the results of management inattention to potential quality improvement ideas.
D could be eliminated if shop supervisors monitored their work more closely.
E A and B
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