QUEST The traditional organizational form has the disadvantage of:
A Complex functional budgeting
B Poorly established communication channels
C No single focal point for clients/sponsors
D Slow reaction capability
E Inflexible use of manpower
QUEST Douglas McGregor's Theory Y advocates that the average worker:
A Dislikes work and avoids it whenever possible
B Must be closely supervised and even threatened with punishment
C Avoids increased responsibility
D Wants self-respect
E None of the above
QUEST Universal characteristics of effective project managers include such skills as communication, decision-making, planning, ability to identify problems and:
A Performing feasibility studies
B Proposal preparation
C being close to the customer
D Maturity
E None of the above are universal characteristics
QUEST The project manager must be concerned with building a closely knit team. During the project kickoff meeting, the project manager can get a good start at team building by providing the team with:
A Proposed salary increases if the project is successful
B Bonuses for early completion date
C A promise of future assignments
D Well-defined project objectives
E Linear responsibility charts
QUEST A common way by which executives provide the project manager with written authority is through:
A A common job description for all project managers
B An appointment letter
C A project charter
D All of the above
E B and C only
- 1建筑工程项目管理软件
- 2软件项目管理工具
- 3项目管理系统
- 4工程行业科研项目管理系统
- 5工程项目管理软件下载
- 6开源项目管理系统下载
- 7工程项目管理
- 8多项目管理
- 9项目管理
- 10哪家项目管理好
- 11企业项目管理排名
- 12项目管理系统有哪些
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- 6基于RFID技术的井下人员实时管理系统
- 7二级建造师法规知识点:劳动合同的种类
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- 10内蒙古2008年度注册安全工程师执业资格考试5月26日至6月1日报名
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- 122015年咨询工程师《宏观经济政策与发展规划》每日一练8.8
- 13安全工程师考试《法律法规》习题班讲义精选(126)
- 14论电子政务信息化系统的需求分析
- 15一级建造师管理与实务复习要点:高坝的标准
- 162015造价员《土建工程》知识:地基与基础
- 17建筑工程地下室防水施工技术探讨
- 18搭设检验、验收和使用管理
- 192008年监理工程师《质量、投资、进度控制》习题26
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- 222015招标师复习:招投标法律法规与政策体系
- 23造价工程师建设工程计价复习资料——设计概算的编制方法
- 24湖南机械介绍混凝土输送泵为建筑业做出的贡献
- 25《项目管理与采购》重点知识:需要招标的项目
- 262015年肇庆造价工程师考试报名时间为7月11日-8月5日
- 27钢结构厂房现浇板模板无支架施工技术
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- 30建筑市场尚有管理空白点主要体现在哪些方面?