QUEST Which of the following statements about the cost of quality are true?
A the cost of quality is the expense of nonconformance to requirements and specifications.
B the cost of quality are mostly the direct responsibility of workers who are manufacturing the product.
C quality control programs should be implemented when the cost of quality are deemed affordable by management.
D A and B.
E A and C
QUEST Japanese quality control has improved dramatically in the last 30 years for all of the following reasons except:
A the use of quality circles.
B small, continuous improvements in quality control.
C the use of worker suggestion systems.
D the use of quality control charts.
E focusing quality control efforts on production outputs.
QUEST Control chart theory is based on the differentiation of the causes of variations in quality. Variations may be produced by assignable causes. All of the following are examples of assignable causes except:
A differences among machines.
B differences among workers.
C differences among materials.
D differences in each of these factors over time.
E None of the above (all are examples)
QUEST The rule of seven used by quality control engineers states that if a run of seven or more samples lays on one side of the process mean, then the process is out of control. What is the probability that this condition is the result of random variations.
A 14.30%
B 3.12%
C 2.73%
D 1.56%
E 0.78%
QUEST Two sources of variation in the length of hex bolts exist. Production variation and measurement error. The QC manager knows that the standard deviation from these sources is 0.24" and 0.43" , respectively. What is the total standard deviation.
A .10 inch.
B .19 inch.
C .34 inch.
D .49 inch.
E .67 inch.
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