QUEST Project cash reserves are often used for adjustment in escalation factors which may be beyond the control of the project manager. Other than possibly financing (interest) costs and taxes, the three most common escalation factors involve changes in:
A Overhead rates, labor rates and material costs.
B Overhead rates, schedule slippages, and rework.
C Rework, cost-of-living adjustments, and overtime.
D Material costs, shipping cost, and scope changes.
E Labor rates, material costs, and cost reporting.
QUEST The three most common types of project cost estimates are:
A Order of magnitude, parametric, and budget.
B Parametric, definitive and top down.
C Order of magnitude, definitive and bottom up.
D Order of magnitude, budget and definitive.
E Analogy, parametric and top down.
QUEST The work breakdown structure, the work packages, and the company's accounting system are tied together through the:
A Code of accounts.
B Overhead rates.
C Budgeting system.
D Capital budgeting process.
E All of the above.
QUEST The profitability and technical data studies are provided in report format to owners and funders for acceptance. This type of report, used to solicit funding, is referred to as a(n) _____.
A Project feasibility study.
B Economic evaluation analysis.
C Risk management manual.
D Prospectus.
E None of the above
QUEST The technique most commonly used to determine the profitability of a project includes _____ methods.
A Net present value (NPV).
B Return on investment (ROI).
C Discounted cash flow (DCF)
D Payout time and risk sensitivity analysis.
E All of the above.
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