QUEST The scope of a project can be expected to change if:
A The project manager must provide cost estimates without having a design concept
B Oversimplification (underestimating) of the nature of the work occurs
C The project manager is assigned after the project is defined, and the cost and schedule are approved
D A clear objective is not provided
E All of the above are possible based upon the situation
QUEST The most common non-behavioral reason for projects being completed behind schedule and over budget is:
A Selecting the wrong person as the project manager
B Selecting the wrong person as the sponsor
C Accepting a high-risk project
D Ill-defined requirements
E All of the above
QUEST The appointment or selection of a project sponsor is often based upon:
A The strategic importance of the project
B Who the customer is
C Whether the organization is project or non-project-driven
D The profitability of the project
E All of the above
QUEST The "rolling wave" or "moving window" concept is used most frequently on projects where:
A The baseline is frozen for the duration of the project and no scope changes are permitted
B Marketing is unsure of what the customer actually wants and reserves the right to make major scope changes
C The low levels of the work breakdown structure are known with certainty for the next three to six months, but the remaining tasks are based upon the results of the first three to six months of work
D Networking techniques are not appropriate
E All of the above
QUEST Interfacing with the customer after project go-ahead is the responsibility of:
A Project sponsor
B Project team
C Project manager
D Functional manager
E All of the above are possible, based upon the size and complexity of the project
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