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Qustions 1: 
1. The process of determining who needs what information, when they need it, and how it will be given to them is: 

A. Information distribution
B. Communications requirements
C. Communications planning
D. Communications management 
Qustions 3:

Which of the following is not a technology factor that may affect the project communications plan:

A. Immediacy of the need for the information
B. Length of the project
C. Expected project staffing
D. Logistics of how many individuals will be involved with
the project and at what locations 
Qustions 5:

Which of the following is not a type of performance reporting:

A. Status reporting
B. Progress reporting
C. Forecasting
D. Benchmark reporting 
Qustions 2: 
Communication planning is most ti~tly linked with what process: 

A. Cost estimating
B. Organizational planning
C. Cost budgeting
D. Performance reporting 
Qustions 4:

Where is the bulk of the project budget spent?

A. Scope management
B. Production
C. Labor and materials
D. Project plan execution 
Qustions 6:

Which tool and technique integrates scope, cost and schedule in measuring project performence? 

A. Variance analysis
B. Earned value
C. Trend analysis
D. Performance report 

发布:2007-03-02 10:57    编辑:泛普软件 · xiaona    [打印此页]    [关闭]


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