1. In a weak matrix organization, functional managers are usually responsible for:
Monitoring personnel performance
Approval for changes to the project schedule
Monitoring their project team member’s deliverables
Changes that impact their team member~ participation
Qustions 3:
You are one of four full-time project managers in an organization You all sbare an administrative person There are generally 8-10 projects per year tbat involve about 25% of the organization~enployees, however, these employees do not report to you. Your organization can best be classified as:
Strong matrix
Balanced matrix
Qustions 5:
You have been promoted to Manager, Continuous Process Improvement. Your new position:
Is a project because the work will be performed by people
Is not a project because Continuous Process Improvement will continue indefinitely
Is a project because it is constrained by limited resources
Is a project because improvements must be plained, executed, and controlled
Qustions 2:
As a Project Manager onreplacing2 miles of sewer pipe part of your job is to determine if
there are cbanges to the scope of the project, the schedule, the budget and the
tecbnical requirements. These responsibilities are part of wbich process:
Qustions 4:
During the course of a project you have motivated team members, managed conflict, performed personnel administrative functions and negotiated for more resources. These are examples of:
General Management
Project Human Resource Management
Project Execution
A Projectized organization
Qustions 6:
Wbich of the following is not a Project Management knowledge area?
Project Quality Management
Project Procurement Management
Project Configuration Management
Project Risk Management
- 1建筑工程项目管理软件
- 2软件项目管理工具
- 3项目管理系统
- 4工程行业科研项目管理系统
- 5工程项目管理软件下载
- 6开源项目管理系统下载
- 7工程项目管理
- 8多项目管理
- 9项目管理
- 10哪家项目管理好
- 11企业项目管理排名
- 12项目管理系统有哪些
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- 22015年一级建造师《公路工程》冲刺课程讲义汇总
- 3园林施工图概论
- 4FIDIC合同条款
- 52015年造价员《安装工程》知识点:石方工程的工程量计量规则
- 6园林绿化景观工程施工组织设计92p
- 7京珠北施工将爆破三座跨线桥
- 8道路、排水及绿化工程监理规划
- 92015年二级建造师《法规》重点:债的其他发生根据
- 102015年咨询工程师《项目决策分析与评价》每日一练(1.29)
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- 12[江苏]商业楼地下室开挖阶段施工现场布置图
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- 14咨询工程师《工程咨询概论》模拟练习题(20)
- 15东阳市2015年安全工程师考试报名时间为4月14日至28日
- 16施工项目企业物资主管部门 内容
- 17施工组织设计的类型是什么
- 182015招标师考试项目管理考点:项目进度计划编制
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- 20二级建造师报考指南之成绩查询
- 21安全工程师考试《管理知识》练习精选(10)
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- 24中国园林的传统手法“一池三山”的形成
- 252015年安全工程师生产案例模拟练习(18)
- 26建设工程监理的实施原则包括
- 27浆砌块石驳岸施工方案
- 28下列承包人的施工索赔,按索赔目的分类的是什么
- 29编制施工组织设计PPT
- 30楼顶竟违建1200平米玻璃房 开发商“失踪”