You are in charge of developing a new product for a bank. Your quality metrics are based on the 80th percentile of each of the last three products developed. This is an example of:
a.Statistical sampling
b. Metrics
c. Benchmarking
d. Operational definitions
Qustions 3:
Scoring models, comparative approaches and benefit contribution are all part of:
a. Constrained optimization models for selecting a project
b. Benefit measurement models for selecting a project
c. Quality measurement techniques
d. Information distribution tools
Qustions 5:
Which of the following models of conflict resolution allows a cooling off period, but seldom resolves the issue in the long term?
a.Problem solving
b. Withdrawal
c. Forcing
d. Smoothing
Qustions 2:
The two closing procedures are called:
a. Contract close out and scope verification
b. Contract close out and administrative closure
c. Project closure and product verification
d. Project closure and lessons learned
Qustions 4:
During the schedule development process the Project Manager may have to go through several iterations of the schedule before establishing the schedule baseline. All of the following are tools and techniques that may be used during this process:
a. Critical Path Method, GERT, Resource Requirements
b. Resource Leveling Heuristics, Mathematical Analysis, Calendars
c. Duration compression, Resource Leveling Heuristics, PERT
d. GERT, PERT, Leads and Lags
Qustions 6:
The “To Complete Performance Index” (TCPI) is calculated by:
a.Subtracting the actual costs to date from the estimate at completion
b.Dividing the budgeted cost of the remaining work by the difference between the estimate at completion and actual costs to date
c.Multiplying the estimate at completion by the cumulative cost performance index
d.Adding the estimate at completion to the actual costs to date and multiplying by the cumulative cost performance index
- 1建筑工程项目管理软件
- 2软件项目管理工具
- 3项目管理系统
- 4工程行业科研项目管理系统
- 5工程项目管理软件下载
- 6开源项目管理系统下载
- 7工程项目管理
- 8多项目管理
- 9项目管理
- 10哪家项目管理好
- 11企业项目管理排名
- 12项目管理系统有哪些
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- 2"中国新型铁路第一墩"顺利封顶 可抗强烈地震
- 3某特大桥13#墩承台单壁钢吊箱围堰设计与施工
- 4二级建造师考试复习总结:砌体结构的特点及构造要求
- 5园林灌溉系统管网水力学计算
- 6西环高铁前10个月完成投资96亿元
- 7西安某实验楼卫生间防水工程施工工艺(聚胺酯涂膜)
- 8T梁自动喷淋养生工法
- 9造价工程师建设工程造价管理复习资料——合同履行的特殊规则
- 102015年安全工程师《安全生产法及相关》辅导资料(4)
- 112015安全工程师《安全生产管理知识》典型习题(三)
- 12监理工程师考试备考经验——题海战术
- 132015年安全工程师《生产技术》:客运索道使用安全
- 142015年咨询工程师《工程咨询概论》练习题20
- 15性价比法决标应注意把握的三个问题
- 16振冲法施工有哪些质量检验?
- 172015年招标师考试法律法规高频考点:开标参与人
- 18某工程屋面防水施工方案(氯化聚乙烯防水卷材)
- 19[全国]2013年建筑业AAA级信用企业名单
- 20软质景观施工组织方案
- 212015监理工程师《基本理论与相关法规》模拟试题(六)
- 222015年新疆人事考试中心公布安全工程师考务文件
- 23非承包工程涂料装饰工程 内容
- 24现代咨询方法与实务考点:效果计量单位的选择
- 25湖南电监办“电力工程项目造价专项监管报告”报送内容
- 26咨询工程师2015年考试《项目组织与管理》练习题(10)
- 27一级建造师管理与实务复习要点:平均运距算
- 28某县城日供水4万吨给水管网施工组织设计115P
- 29某中学迁扩建工程施工平面布置图
- 30项目计划在项目管理中的重要作用