A project is an ideal environment in which to use the technique of management by objectives because--
a. Project management involves setting organizational objectives
b. Projects generally are handled through a matrix management environment
c. Project managers’ responsibilities are defined in terms of corporate objectives
d. All projects should be strongly oriented toward goals and objectives
Qustions 3:
All the following are examples of benefit measurement methods of project selection except--
a. Benefit-cost ration
b. Payback period
c. Peer review
d. Multiobjective programming
Qustions 5:
Which of the followin
is a tool or technique used for project initiation--
a. Alternatives identification
b. Configuration management
c. Decision models
d. Decomposition
Qustions 2:
Each project phase is marked by completion of one or more deliverables. The deliverable for the concept phase of a project is the--
a. Project plan
b. Statement of work
c. Project charter
d. Resource spreadsheet
Qustions 4:
Change requests may result from--
a. A review of the project charter
b. A review of the performing organization’s strategic plan
c. Enhanced problem-solving skills on the part of the project team
d. An error or omission in scope definition
Qustions 6:
The project’s scope change control system is --
a. A collection of formal, documented procedures to define the steps by which official project documents may be changed
b. A documented process used to apply technical and administrative direction and surveillance to identify and document functional and physical characteristics of items, record and report change, control change, and audit the items and system to verify conformance to requirements
c. A set of procedures by which project scope may be changed, including the paperwork, trackingsystems, and approval levels necessary for authorizing change
d. Mandatory for use on projects so that the scope management plan cannot be changed without prior review and sign-off
- 1建筑工程项目管理软件
- 2软件项目管理工具
- 3项目管理系统
- 4工程行业科研项目管理系统
- 5工程项目管理软件下载
- 6开源项目管理系统下载
- 7工程项目管理
- 8多项目管理
- 9项目管理
- 10哪家项目管理好
- 11企业项目管理排名
- 12项目管理系统有哪些
- 12015安全工程师《安全生产管理知识》每日一练(12.31-1.6)
- 22015年咨询工程师考试《宏观经济与发展》模拟题(2)
- 3中铁十四局集团五公司云桂铁路田东制梁场低位安全过隧道
- 4安全工程师安全生产法复习资料——费率的制定
- 5二建复习资料抹面砂浆
- 62015年注册咨询工程师《工程咨询概论》习题(13)
- 72015招标师考试:招标采购专业实务第七章详解10
- 8浅析信息化时代施工项目信息管理的特点与对策
- 9【经验之谈】二级建造师考试报名方式是怎样的?
- 102015年造价工程师考试辅导:合同格式条款
- 11【感谢名师】考试通过发感言 一次通关就这么简单
- 12二级建造师《法规》考点狂背:施工企业的从业资格制
- 13招标师2015年的考前辅导
- 142015年安全工程师《安全生产管理知识》精华习题(28)
- 15地面石材、墙面玻化砖施工方法及质量控制措施
- 16造价工程师复习资料:经营者不得有的不正当价格行为
- 17一级建造师实务复习要点:横道图
- 18工程事故责任的认定与追究
- 19市政管理与实务知识:滤池滤板、滤料施工质量控制
- 20如何精确建立项目的范围
- 21监理工程师资格考试辅导模拟试题(建设工程监理基本理论与相关法规)
- 222008年注册安全工程师执业资格考试有关工作的通知(考试介绍)
- 23逐字逐句读课本 考试大纲扣紧点
- 242015年招标师《案例分析》:政府采购项目招标公告发布
- 25某国际机场航站区扩建工程给排水施工组织16P
- 26各种结构地基变形有哪些验算内容?
- 27二级建造师培训视频免费观看
- 282015年招标师考试:招标实务问答(56)
- 29评标报告该怎么编
- 302015年注册咨询工程师《工程项目组织管理》模拟题(42)