The change control system includes--
a. Procedures to define how documents may be changed
b. Specific change requests expected on the project and plans to respond to each one
c. Performance reports that forecast project changes
d. A description of the functional and physical characteristics of an item or system
Qustions 3:
Typically, change control systems include automatic approval of certain types of changes. An example of such a change is one that is--
a. Suggested by the project sponsor
b. The result of an emergency
c. Suggested by the customer
d. Made mandatory by a new regulation
Qustions 5:
Rolling wave planning provides information on the work to be done--
a. Throughout all phases of the project
b. For successful completion of the current phases of the project
c. For successful completion of the current phase and subsequent phases of the project
d. In the next phase of the project
Qustions 2:
According to Herzberg’s motivator-hygiene Theory of Motivation, if achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement or promotion, and positive supervisor attitude are not present, employees will--
a. Become alienated with the organization and leave
b. Lack motivation but will not be dissatisfied with their work
c. Lack motivation and become dissatisfied with their work
d. Become dissatisfied only if they do not receive salary increases
Qustions 4:
Problem solving, which is an important activity on projects, consists of --
a. Influencing the organizations to get things done
b. Defining problems and making decisions
c. Conferring with others to reach a dicision
d. Producing key results expected by stakeholders
Qustions 6:
Configuration management describes procedures to apply technical and administrative direction. Which of the following tasks is not performed in configuration management --
a. Identifying functional and physical characteristics of an item or system
b. Controlling changes to characteristics
c. Performing an audit to verifiy conformance to requierments
d. Allowing automatic approval of changes
- 1建筑工程项目管理软件
- 2软件项目管理工具
- 3项目管理系统
- 4工程行业科研项目管理系统
- 5工程项目管理软件下载
- 6开源项目管理系统下载
- 7工程项目管理
- 8多项目管理
- 9项目管理
- 10哪家项目管理好
- 11企业项目管理排名
- 12项目管理系统有哪些
- 1安全工程师备考知识辅导:煤矿生产中的安全管理2
- 2项目进度管理用哪些管理工具比较好?
- 32015年监理工程师考试理论与法规练习题(16)
- 42015年二级建造师:门窗工程施工技术要求
- 5“建在岩溶上的地铁”9号线全速开挖
- 6一级建造师管理与实务复习要点:盾构问题
- 7经济政策与发展规划考点:投资变动的宏观效应
- 8安全工程师安全生产法复习资料——责任者
- 9混凝土输送泵液压油的更换
- 10工程项目组织与管理知识点:工程项目范围确认
- 11对组织者或者积极参加者
- 12钢筋混凝土预制沉井施工
- 13北京地区06年注册安全工程师执业资格2568人参考
- 142008年安全工程师考试《安全生产技术》习题七
- 15一级建造师市政公用工程管理与实务:防水卷材
- 162015监理工程师考试《建设工程合同管理》测试题(九)
- 17三合一自粘防水卷材的施工工艺
- 18二级建造师法规知识点:建设工程赔偿损失的范围与特征
- 19全新造价通平台开启工程造价信息化第五代应用
- 20造价工程师建设工程计价复习资料——国内竞争性招标
- 21招标师职业水平考试:招标采购专业实务第八章练习题(汇总)
- 22湖北:今后3年将建普通公路4.5万公里
- 23“四口”防护措施
- 24某商务大厦景观水景喷泉方案
- 25杭州某食品车间项目施工平面布置图
- 26一级建造师《工程经济》知识点整理(9)
- 272015年白银造价工程师报名入口
- 282015造价员复习资料:做好现场的调查工作
- 292015年监理工程师考试理论与法规练习题(69)
- 30《工程项目组织与管理》:工程项目合同的特点