According to McGregor, a manager who uses Theory X sees workers as--
a. Highly motivated,willing to take responsibility, and reliable
b. Highly untrustworthy, needing to be watched and closely managed at all times
c. Very productive when first given an assignment
d. Unproductive at first, followed by periods of high productivity
Qustions 3:
A Project management information system comprises--
a. Any of the project management software used for schedule development
b. All the requited reports to be prepared on the project, who receives each one, and the method of distribution
c. The policies and procedures to follow as the project is performed
d. The tools and techniques used to gather, integrate, and disseminate the output of the other project management processes
Qustions 5:
The Project plan should be distributed to--
a. All stakeholders in the performing organization
b. All project stakeholders
c. Project team members and the project sponsor
d. Those people defined in the communication management plan
Qustions 2:
Although an output of the various control processes, corrective action is also an input to project plan execution because it--
a. Ensures that project objectives are met
b. Expedites actions to ensure that activities are completed on time
c. Completes the feedback loop needed to ensure effective project management
d. Involves performing a planned reponse for a specific project risk event
Qustions 4:
A change control board is --
a. Recommended for use on all projects, large or small
b. Used as required to approve or reject change requests
c. Managed by the project manager who serves its secretare
d. Composed of key members of the project team
Qustions 6:
Leadership and management are both necessary on projects. One definition of managing is that it involves producing key results expected by stakeholders, whereas leadership involves --
a. Establishing direction, aligning people, and motivating and inspiring others
b. Getting things done through other people
c. Using charismatic power to motivate others to be productive
d. Using all types of power, as appropriate, as motivational tools
- 1建筑工程项目管理软件
- 2软件项目管理工具
- 3项目管理系统
- 4工程行业科研项目管理系统
- 5工程项目管理软件下载
- 6开源项目管理系统下载
- 7工程项目管理
- 8多项目管理
- 9项目管理
- 10哪家项目管理好
- 11企业项目管理排名
- 12项目管理系统有哪些
- 12015年监理工程师《建设工程三大控制》练习题(77)
- 22015年安全工程师考试《安全生产管理知识》练习题(5)
- 3安全工程师辅导资料:如何加强设备缺陷管理
- 42015年咨询工程师《项目决策分析与评价》每日一练6.24
- 52015年监理工程师考试合同管理历年考题详解3
- 6软件项目管理软件的开发计划
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- 142015年咨询工程师《项目决策分析与评价》每日一练1.24
- 15广西出台文明施工导则
- 16锚杆框架护坡施工方法
- 17监理:《建设工程合同管理》每日一练34
- 182010年PMP美国项目管理考试习题及答案32
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- 24园林铺地工程施工方案
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