1. A narrative description of products or services to be supplied under contract is called:
a. The project plan.
B. A statement of work.
C. An exception report.
D. A Pareto analysis.
2. An example of scope verification is:
a. Reviewing the performance of an installed software module.
B. Managing changes to the project schedule.
C. Decomposing the WBS to a work package level.
D. Performing a benefit/cost analysis to determine if we should proceed with the pro
3. Which of the following is not an example of a source of scope change?
A. A variation in government regulations.
B. Failure to include a required feature in the design of a telecommunication system.
C. A need to engage in bottom-up cost estimating.
D. Introducing technology that was not available when scope was originally defined.
4. The subdivision of major project deliverables, as identified in the scope statement, into smaller, more manageable components is called:
a. Parametric estimation.
B. Scope definition.
C. Feasibility analysis.
D. Benefit-cost analysis.
5. The process of establishing clear and achievable objectives, measuring their achievement, and adjusting performance in accordance with the results of the measurement is called:
a. Strategic planning.
B. Alternative objectives inventory.
C. Management by objectives.
D. Contingency planning.
6. Configuration management is:
a. Used to ensure that the description of the project product is correct and complete.
B. The creation of the work breakdown structure.
C. The set of procedures developed to assure that project design criteria are met.
D. A mechanism to track budget and schedule variances.
7. A fundamental tenet of modern quality management holds that quality is most likely to be achieved by:
a. Planning it into the project.
B. Developing careful mechanisms to inspect for quality.
C. Striving to do the best job possible.
D. Conducting quality circle activities.
8. Your most recent project status report contains the following information: BCWP = 3,000, ACWP = 3,500, and BCWS = 4,000. The schedule variance is:
a. + 1,000.
B. + 500.
C. - 500.
D. - 1,000.
9. Learning curve theory emphasizes that in producing many goods:
a. Cost decreases as production rates increase.
B. Average unit cost decreases as more units are produced.
C. Materials become cheaper when they are purchased in bulk.
D. Laborers become more productive because of technological advances.
10. Rearranging resources so that constant resource levels are maintained is called:
a. Floating.
B. Leveling.
C. Restructuring.
D. Crashing.
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