The purpose of a project planning methodology is to --
a. Provide a structured approach to guide the project team in project plan development
b. Ensure that all required forms are completed
c. Ensure that organizational policies and procedures are followed during the development and execution of the project plan
d. Serve as a repository of lessons learned that can be applied to the current project
Qustions 3:
According to the expectancy theory of motivation--
a. Poor performance is the natural outcome of poor training
b. Managers should not expect too much of workers
c. Motivation to act is linked to an outcome that is expected to have value
d. Managers should expect that employees who are paid more will work harder
Qustions 5:
Which of the following is an example of a ’soft’ tool that could be part of a project management methodology--
a. Project management software
b. A continuous improvement target
c. A facilitated kick off meeting
d. Cost accounting codes
Qustions 2:
Lessons learned from projects are significant because they--
a. Must be collected to meet requirements of organizational policies and procedures
b. Show the causes of variances and the reasons certain corrective actions were selected
c. Show why certain projects were selected by the organization over others
d. Show why certain people were selected as project manager and team members over others
Qustions 4:
Work results are --
a. Outcomes of activities performed to accomplish the project
b. Success criteria for the project to meet
c. Official verification of project acceptance by the customer
d. Official verification of contract completion
Qustions 6:
Measuring project performance regularly is necessary to identify variances from the project plan. A variance is considered to be significant if it -
a. Is considered a project risk
b. Becomes a lesson learned as a result of the corrective action selected
c. jeopardizes project objectives
d. Requires corrective action
- 1建筑工程项目管理软件
- 2软件项目管理工具
- 3项目管理系统
- 4工程行业科研项目管理系统
- 5工程项目管理软件下载
- 6开源项目管理系统下载
- 7工程项目管理
- 8多项目管理
- 9项目管理
- 10哪家项目管理好
- 11企业项目管理排名
- 12项目管理系统有哪些
- 1二级建造师法规知识点:建筑市场诚信行为信息的分类
- 2液压爬模施工工法
- 3一级建造师实务复习要点:窝工人工费计算
- 42015年招标师《项目管理与招标采购》课件(3)
- 52012中部工程造价高峰论坛在郑州揭幕
- 62013年二级建造师《法规及相关知识》每日一练(4.3)
- 7[湖南]五层框架工程施工机具设备、劳动力计划表
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- 9鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程“艰难路程 何去何从”
- 10浅论从强化项目管理方式入手提升通信信息化企业竞争能力
- 112015年招标师考试《招标采购案例分析》模拟试题(4)
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- 132015年招标师《案例分析》模拟考试题五
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- 152015招标师考试教材《项目管理》:服务项目管理特点
- 162015年二级建造师《公路》重点:建设单位成本控制措施
- 17造价工程师案例分析复习要点:应得工程款的含义
- 18某大桥主梁O号块施工
- 19招标师法律法规:招标采购应遵循的两个时限
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- 262015年咨询工程师《咨询概论》模拟题(9)
- 272015招标师考试《招标采购专业实务》精选习题及答案(3)
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- 30监理工程师练习应注意事项