Key KM Functionality
KM Functionality
Gather: Capture in a common repository information and its location from
sources important to you so it can be contributed to the group
Organize: Profile the information in the repository, organize it in
meaningful ways for navigation and searching, enable pieces of information to be
related to other pieces of information.
Distribute/deliver: Harvest or acquire knowledge, either through an
active mechanism (search interface) or a passive mechanism
Collaborate: Collaborate through messaging, workflow, discussion
databases ... and so on.
Teach/learn: Distance learning.
Analyze/refine: Analyze information in the knowledge repository (data
mining to identify relationships or patterns).
Publish: Publish information to a broader audience, including individuals
outside the organization.
Lifecycle management: Securely store, migrate, and purge information
after a set period.
Mediate: Manage knowledge workers' time.
from Doculab's Special Report on KM Products, April
- 1IT规划实施是进行项目分派和管理
- 2剖析太原OA信息化
- 3知识时代企业的四个要素
- 4采用哪种太原OA信息化战略?
- 5知识资本管理概论
- 6太原OA信息化的基本XML和RDF 技术(五):定义RDF和DAML+OIL图示
- 7知识分工与CKO
- 8发掘知识资产价值(Dorothy Yu)
- 9OA软件工作流表单应用设计与管理
- 10CIO杂志 e-Business(by AMT整理)
- 11太原OA信息化导入实例—以经济部技术处ITIS为例
- 12最为关键的传统信息化系统中的主要困惑:
- 13泛普OA软件IT整体规划观点有哪些?
- 14制造企业的知识分析
- 15如何画太原OA信息化项目实施方法论这幅地图(by AMT夏敬华孔祥云)
- 16E化,关注太原OA信息化
- 17回复是乱码
- 18APQC是如何看太原OA信息化的?
- 19[推荐] 创建"知识公司"的困惑与挑战(约翰.布朗宁)
- 20太原OA信息化项目的分类
- 21企业对IT规划的设想有哪些?
- 22全力保护企业秘密
- 23从ERP走向KRM
- 24Sources of Wealth(英文)
- 25定义太原OA信息化
- 26微软的太原OA信息化实践:数字神经系统DNS
- 27Electronic Commerce World - XML(by AMT整理)
- 28知识集成初探(by AMT顾新建)
- 29让企业在网络中腾飞
- 30知识总监的“软技能”